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Bristol Parkway No Through Road

⚠ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

Composite image showing a photo of a 'No through road' sign superimposed on a photo of Bristol Parkway Station.

It is extensively signed as a ‘no through road’ across ‘private land’, but we understand that plenty of people drive through Bristol Parkway Station, between the front (off Hatchet Road) and the rear (Hunts Ground Road), or vice versa, on a regular basis without any problems at all.

Here’s what a reader was told by a First Great Western customer relations officer in April 2015:

I can confirm that the road that goes through Bristol Parkway station is not a through route, and this has been clear from signage going back to 2001. As ANPR cameras have been installed we have recently updated our signage to comply with local conditions relating to this change, confirming that ANPR cameras enforce the land.

Passengers are welcome to use the station to both park and pick up/drop off using the new ANPR database, which a ticket can be issued for. Currently the system does not enforce any conditions against road users, but this is something we have already discussed with the local authority and is something that will be introduced in the future. This will be done in consultation with the local authority and not brought in without prior warning.

Source: Reader comment on SGJ Facebook page

SGJ Facebook, April 2015
No through road signs going up at Parkway Station


Parking fines for driving through

Have you received a ‘fine’ in the post and automatically assumed you are being penalised for driving through? If so, take a closer look! What you have been sent is most likely a parking charge notice (PCN) because you weren’t detected leaving the station, leading to the system wrongly assuming that you parked there for a period in excess of the ‘grace’ time.

There are strong indications that the ANPR camera at the Hunts Ground Road access to the station was not working properly over the approximate period 6th to 9th December 2018. If you drove through the station more than once in different directions over this period, you may have been sent a PCN.

SGJ Facebook, 22nd January 2019
Bristol Parkway Station: No through road?

SGJ website, 16th February 2019
Have you received a ‘fine’ for driving through Bristol Parkway?


ANPR camera views

Refer to the following examples to work out what the photos in your PCN are showing (location and direction).

ANPR camera view of a vehicle entering the station from the Hatchet Road end. ANPR camera view of a vehicle leaving the station at the Hatchet Road end.

Above: Hatchet Road end: entering (left and leaving (right). Note the cycle lane in the centre of the road.

ANPR camera view of a vehicle entering the station from the Hunts Ground Road end. ANPR camera view of a vehicle leaving the station at the Hunts Ground Road end.

Above: Hunts Ground Road end: entering (left) and leaving (right). Note the building (on entry) and pedestrian crossing zig-zags (on exit).

View your PCN online

You will be able to better see the date/time of each photo if you view your PCN online. To do this, you will need to enter the PCN number and your vehicle registration number.

View the evidence, pay or challenge my Parking Charge Notice (PCN/ECN)

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