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Police issue advice after spate of evening burglaries

Police car.

Avon and Somerset Police are asking people to look out for their neighbours after a spate of recent evening burglaries, including one believed to have taken place in the Sandringham Road area of Stoke Gifford.

On Monday and Tuesday 11th/12th February there were seven reported burglaries across South Gloucestershire and another in Bath.

DC Nadine Partridge said:

“These break-ins have all happened between 6pm and 10pm and in each case the front door has been forced. Obviously we’re investigating the possibility that they are linked, while keeping an open mind. What we need people to do is to call 999 immediately if they notice anyone behaving suspiciously around front doors.”

There were two burglaries and an attempted break-in in Cadbury Heath, with others reported in Almondsbury, Kingswood, Filton, Stoke Gifford and Bath.

Stolen items have included handbags, jewellery and cash (including Euros). Many of the victims have been vulnerable elderly people.

In some cases, the culprits have been disturbed and have claimed to be ‘security’ or ‘police’.

DC Partridge said:

“These men have been wearing hats and scarves to conceal their faces. Police officers will always have their identification with them and if you are in any doubt call 101 immediately.”

The men are both described as white, in their early 20s, about 5ft 8ins tall, wearing dark-coloured clothing and with local accents. One is said to be stocky, while the other is of average build.

If you have any information which could help enquiries, call South Gloucestershire CID on 101. Alternatively ring the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 (they never ask your name or trace your call).

Police advise locking up and setting your alarm at night, as well as when you are out.

Related link: Police in Stoke Gifford (The Journal)

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