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Braydon Avenue to be closed for up to three weeks from 2nd March

Chicane priority narrowing on Braydon Avenue, Little Stoke.

South Gloucestershire Council has announced that Braydon Avenue will be closed to vehicular traffic for a period of up to three weeks from Monday 2nd March in order to allow the construction of a raised speed table near the Concord Medical Centre.

The speed table will replace the existing chicane priority narrowing at the same location, which the council claims will result in “less conflict on the road between motor vehicles”.

The £23,000 scheme was prioritised by the council’s Southern Brooks Area Forum in February 2014. Consultation on the proposals took place from 18th August to 7th September 2014.

No objections were received when the statutory notice for the scheme was advertised in November 2014. According to that document, the new speed table will extend over the full width of the carriageway and be 10 metres in length and 75 millimetres (maximum) in height.

As part of the scheme, dropped kerbs and tactile paving will be installed to provide pedestrians with an improved informal crossing facility.

The crossing provides access to a public footpath which runs parallel to Braydon Avenue, but is separated from the road by a row of trees and a brook.

In its statement of reasons for proposing the work, the council says the current arrangement is ineffective at reducing vehicle speeds:

“The disadvantage of the current traffic calming measure (chicane priority narrowing) is that motor vehicles with priority are not required to reduce their speed and motor vehicles without priority are not required to reduce their speed if there is no oncoming vehicle approaching.”

To enable the construction work to be undertaken safely, Braydon Avenue will be closed to vehicular traffic between the Concord Medical Centre and Silver Birch Close.

The pedestrian footway along Braydon Avenue and access into the medical centre will not be affected by the work.

The diversionary route for traffic from Bradley Stoke wishing to reach the Concord Medical Centre and the northern section of Braydon Avenue will be via Brook Way, Orpheus Avenue and Little Stoke Lane.

Buses that normally use Braydon Avenue (including services 201, 312 and X74) will be diverted via Little Stoke Lane.

More information (including a map of the diversion route):

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  1. I live in “north” braydon avenue … So this means I have a diversion of approx 0.4 miles each way (if I’m coming from Brook Way mini roundabout) I would do this at least 2 times a day , 5days a week as of work – not including any personal tasks … That’s 5x2x3weeks (30 journeys minimum) 30 x0.4 miles = 12 miles. I know that’s not a lot .. However … It works out to be about a fivers worth of fuel extra , just so I can go home … Yay !

  2. 3 weeks – who have they got doing it – one man and a shovel..!!??

    Imagine this is going to cause travel chaos. Someone with common sense and without a militant anti car policy would have planned this in school holidays. When do we get rid of these muppets in charge of council transport policy / planning?

    Probably worth publicising on BSJ – it’s Bradley Stoke that’s likely to feel the full force of the chaos.

  3. How will people with disabilities (mobility)get to and from Dr surgery without vehicle…mmm ambulance access etc.As to information about road closures in advance ..only known about it yesterday evening after posted to the public and I am sure I am not the only person

  4. @Antoinette Mattis, It will still be possible to access the medical centre by vehicle, but only from the north (i.e. from the Little Stoke Lane / Stoke Lane end). If you normally approach from the south, you will need to follow the diversion route referenced in the article.

  5. Only found out about this yesterday when I saw the signs being put up!!!
    Not a lot of notice!!
    Shame the so called” public footpath” couldn’t be made more “public friendly”
    It is so muddy after a wet spell u need to be wearing wellie boots and try pushing a pram or wheelchair along it – impossible with the condition it’s in!!!!!

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