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Proposed waiting restrictions in roads near Parkway Station set to be dropped

Brins Close, Stoke Gifford, Bristol.

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) looks set to abandon plans to introduce parking restrictions in a number of Stoke Gifford streets after 37 objections were received in response to the ‘statutory advertisement’ of the proposed measures.

The main purpose of the scheme, known as ‘Parkway Station Area – Review of waiting restrictions Phase 3‘, is to “discourage all-day parking by rail users and students in residential areas, particularly where this causes safety or access issues, whilst at the same time minimising the effect of waiting restrictions on residents”.

Measures proposed during Phases 1 and 2 of the review, which began in 2011, have already been implemented.

Initial consultation on the Phase 3 proposals, which affect New Road, Swallow Court, Brins Close, Beaufort Crescent, John St Quinton Close and Church Road, took place between 29th July and 18th August 2014 and revised proposals were advertised from 20th July 2015 to the 21st August.

The objections will be considered at a meeting of SGC’s Planning, Transportation and Strategic Environment Committee on Wednesday (11th November), at which councillors will consider a report that recommends the removal of the following elements from the scheme:

  • Limited waiting in Beaufort Crescent
  • Restricted parking Monday to Saturday, 1 – 2pm in Brins Close
  • All proposals in John St Quinton Close

The same meeting will also consider objections to a scheme of proposed waiting restrictions on Little Stoke Lane (near Clay Lane), Clay Lane and Station Road. Initial consultation on this scheme took place between 29th August and 19th September 2014 and revised proposals were advertised from 29th June to 24th July 2015.

Four objections have been received, several of which express the view that the measures will displace station commuter parking into nearby residential areas, while one local SGC councillor has raised concerns about the waiting restrictions being implemented before any additional car parking facility is provided at Patchway Station. However, council officers have recommended that the scheme be implemented as advertised.

More info: Agenda and reports for the PTSE meeting on 11th November

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