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Summer concert success for Stokes Singers

Photo of the Stokes Singers choir at their 'Midsummer Medley' concert.

Stokes Singers performed their summer concert, ‘A Midsummer Medley’, to an appreciative audience at Little Stoke Primary School at the end of June, writes Sue Callow, publicity officer.

With a programme including songs from films and musicals and classics such as ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ and ‘Fields of Gold’ there was something for all tastes. The Eric and Ernie classic ‘Bring Me Sunshine’ brought a smile to everyone’s face whilst the choir’s favourites were the South African folk songs ‘Shosholoza’ and ‘Thina Simunye.’ A concert would not be complete without a piano solo from Co-Musical Director Philip Lawrence and this year it was a beautiful arrangement of ‘It Had to Be You’. It was good to have the added skills of Sue Juggins (percussion), Matt (bass guitar) and Lisa Rush (flute and piano) to accompany the voices.

The evening was also a great success for Freewheelers Emergency Voluntary Service who sent a motorbike and two riders, Nick and Chris, to talk about the valuable work they carry out transporting urgent medical supplies to support the NHS. An amazing £307 was raised from programme sales and refreshment donations to help the Freewheelers with their vital service.

The choir are now taking a well-earned break until September when they meet up to rehearse for a ‘Voices for Hospices’ concert at Holy Trinity Church, Bradley Stoke on Saturday 14th October. The Christmas Concert will be at the Church of Christ the King, Bradley Stoke on Saturday 9th December. Look out for posters and details in the local press in the autumn or contact Liz on 01454 614148 for further details.

If you would like to join the choir, Liz can also give you further information about the Thursday evening rehearsals at Coniston Community Centre, Patchway. There is room for more singers in all sections and men or ladies with lower voices would be very welcome to join the baritones. Sian Walters, also Co-Musical Director, assures you of a warm welcome and the opportunity to try the choir for two rehearsals free of charge to see how you get on.

Anne King, chair of Stokes Singers, comments:

“2018 will be a special year for Stokes Singers as they celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the choir. In the run-up to the big birthday, the membership has set themselves a challenge of singing in 25 different venues. Recently we’ve done performances at the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit, Frenchay and the Southmead Hospital Buskathon plus a visit to the Good Afternoon Choir at Yate and a singing workshop at the Saracens Rugby Club. An unexpected opportunity for a fifth event was provided by the recent General Election when we sang to voters at the Polling Station next to our rehearsal venue! Our summer concert has brought our total to six and we have lots more plans for the remaining 19.”

If you have an unusual event or venue which could host a singing performance why not contact Liz on 01454 614148 for a chat?

Photo: Choir members pictured with a ‘blood bike’ at their recent summer concert

This  article originally appeared in the July/August 2017 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine (on page 37). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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