Stoke Gifford By-Pass to open “by Christmas”

Photo: Looking from north Highbrook Park, towards Hambrook Lane.

Commuters heading south from Bradley Stoke towards the A4174 Ring Road and the M32 could soon have a new route option open to them with the news that the currently under-construction Stoke Gifford Transport Link (SGTL, known locally as the Stoke Gifford By-Pass) is set to open before the end of the year.

The new road, which will be open to all traffic (not just MetroBus), will link Parkway North Roundabout on Great Stoke Way (A) and the A41474 Ring Road (D), close to the Holiday Inn. [See annotations on map below.]

Its construction has required the installation of two new bridges, one over the main railway line (B, near Kings Drive) and the second over the Ham Brook (C, close to the new Crest Nicholson housing development at Highbrook Park).

Contractors Alun Griffiths report that the carriageway is now fully surfaced, with the exception of the section over the Ham Brook bridge.

A MetroBus spokesperson has confirmed to the Journal that it is hoped to have the new road open “before Christmas”. The Ham Brook bridge is expected to be completed in mid-October. Work on the installation of traffic signals is ongoing.

MetroBus services on the North Fringe to Hengrove (NFHP) route, which will make use of the SGTL, will now not begin until 2018. Information on operators and the service start date “will follow next year”, added the spokesperson.

Photo: Looking north from the Hambrook Lane junction, towards the new railway bridge and Bradley Stoke.

Top: Looking from north Highbrook Park, towards Hambrook Lane.  Above: Looking north from the Hambrook Lane junction, towards the new railway bridge and Bradley Stoke.

Photo: Looking east along Hambrook Lane near its junction with the new road.

Above: Looking east along Hambrook Lane near its junction with the new road.

In response to queries from readers, the Journal can confirm that all traffic movements at the junction of Hambrook Lane and the SGTL will be restricted to ‘ahead only’, i.e. it will not possible to turn on or off the new road at this junction.

At the junction of the southbound SGTL with the A4174, there are two lanes to turn left (towards the M32), two lanes to turn right (towards UWE)and a right-turn bus lane.

Photo: Looking south from Highbrook Park, towards the junction with the A4174.

Above: Looking south from Highbrook Park, towards the junction with the A4174.

MetroBus services will access the M32 via a new overbridge and bus-only junction off Stoke Lane, south of UWE.

Map of the Stoke Gifford Transport Link (a.k.a. Stoke Gifford By-Pass).

Above: Map of the Stoke Gifford Transport Link.

• View all the above photos and maps in hi-resolution on Flickr.

This article originally appeared in the October 2017 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine (on pages 24 & 25). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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