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Stoke Gifford news round-up (January 2018)

Stoke Gifford news round-up.

For many residents of Stoke Gifford, the start of the new year has been a busy one as local schools have started new topics and the St Michael’s Centre has been feeding the men of the community! Here is a round-up of some of the events that have been taking place throughout January and a few things to look forward to in February.

Abbeywood Community School

Whilst all of the students at Abbeywood have started the new year in a busy and productive way, there are some who have gone above and beyond their usual timetable of lessons. Two groups of Year 12 students are taking part in the ‘Envision Programme’, an inter-school competition where young people have to develop their own projects and then pitch their ideas to businesses in Bristol.

One group is looking at ways to tackle domestic violence and the other is trying to address the issue of homelessness across the city. After delivering brilliant presentations to the businesses, both groups have been awarded a sum of money to help develop their ideas even further. The final winners of the competition will be announced in June so look out for an update then!

Looking back to before Christmas, the Fundraising Club were busy putting on two film nights to raise money for Young Carers UK. In total they managed to raise almost £100 for the charity.

Year 8 students have also been spending time raising funds; only the money that they have raised will be going to the Children’s Hospice South West. So far, they have raised an impressive £182 and we look forward to hearing what their final total is.

St Michael’s Primary School

The children at St Michael’s have been enjoying starting their new topics in January, including; Toy Story, Robots and Vive la France! Year 4 enjoyed an exciting trip to the SS Great Britain for their topic ‘Shipshape’ and Year 5 had a visit from the Explorer Dome as part of their ‘Earth and Space’ topic.

Looking forward to exciting events throughout this month, Thursday 8th February is ‘Wear Red Day’ to mark the Chinese New Year and to raise money for the British Heart Foundation and the children need to start thinking about what character they are going to dress up as for World Book Day.

St Michael’s Church

St Michael’s Church has had a busy start to the year, holding two different events for fathers and other male residents of Stoke Gifford. Saturday 20th January saw the first Dads’ Breakfast of the year, which was held in the lower hall of the Old School Rooms and ‘Men v Food’ took place on 27th January. This was an event for any men who enjoy a good burger; they were given the opportunity to create their own burger with a multitude of toppings and enjoyed an evening of great company and even better food.

Events taking place throughout February at the St Michael’s Centre include a new one-act play called Faith in the Questions, which will be followed by conversation with leading scientists. This event is to take place on 23rd February at 7.30pm and tickets are free; for more information please visit

The St Mike’s Yarn Bombers are going to be running workshops on the second Saturday of each month, with the first being held on 10th February in the Old School Rooms Café. The workshops are open to all ages and abilities and will provide an opportunity to learn a new skill, meet other crafters and contribute to some yarn bombs!

Bristol One Act Drama Festival

Stoke Gifford’s Olympus Theatre, located on the WISE Campus of SGS College, New Road BS34 8LP, once again plays host to the annual Bristol One Act Drama Festival, which this year runs from Wednesday 21st February to Saturday 24th February.

Affiliated to the All England Theatre Festival (AETF), the Bristol festival is open to all amateur drama groups and societies. The winners of the festival have the opportunity, if they have selected to, to go forward to the next round of the All England Theatre Festival and eventually they have the potential to represent England at the British Final.

To book tickets for any performance (starting at 7.15pm each day), visit or call the box office on 0117 924 7266.

Do you have a news story for the Journal? Please contact us!

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