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Plans to build 1,600 homes east of Stoke Gifford set for decision in coming weeks

East of Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood: Sketch Composite Framework Plan (August 2016).

After more than two years of deliberations, two planning applications for a total of more than 1,600 new homes on former green belt land between Stoke Gifford and Hambrook look set to be brought to the decision table within the next few weeks.

The East of Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood site was allocated for development when South Gloucestershire Council’s Core Strategy was adopted in December 2013 and housebuilder Crest Nicholson submitted the two planning applications in August 2016. One application is for land south of the Great Western mainline railway and the other for land north of it.

The new neighbourhood will be accessed from the recently opened Stoke Gifford Transport Link (a.k.a. Stoke Gifford By-Pass) which provides a link between Parkway North and the A4174 Ring Road.

The application on land south of the railway, PT16/4782/O, seeks outline permission for a mixed use development including 1,290 new homes, a local centre, community facilities, landscaping and open space and detailed access junctions.

The application on land north of the railway, PT16/4928/O, is for 327 new homes and associated infrastructure and landscaping. This is a hybrid application, with full permission being sought for some elements and outline permission for others. The full application is for 150 homes, an earthworks strategy, access and public open space. Outline permission is being sought for 177 new homes, as well as a new primary school and nursery.

So-called ‘site inspection meetings’, attended by councillors who sit on the committee which will eventually determine the applications, are to be held in the coming weeks, with the first, for the application south of the railway, taking place this Friday (21st September).

The meeting point for Friday’s meeting, which is open to the public, is at the junction of the Stoke Gifford Transport Link and Oxleigh Way (entrance to Highbrook Park). Councillors are expected to arrive for the meeting at 10.45am.  An ‘issues for consideration’ report prepared ahead of the meeting may be viewed under item 11 of the agenda.

A South Gloucestershire Council spokesperson said:

“The Crest ‘south’ application PT16/4782/O will be presented to the Development Control (DC) (West) Sites Inspection Sub Committee this Friday (21st September). Following this meeting, it is anticipated that councillors will recommend the application is forwarded to the DC (West) Planning Committee. The next meeting for the DC (West) Committee is on 4th October.”

“The Crest ‘north’ application PT16/4928/O is currently at a less advanced stage. Amended plans were received, have been advertised and can be found on our website. At present, it is anticipated that the application will be forwarded to the Sites Inspection Sub Committee at the end of October or early November, and then the DC (West) Committee in November or December.”

Image: From the October 2016 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine (pages 6 & 7). Indicative only. Refer to planning applications for latest definitive documents.

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