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Public meeting called to discuss planned two-year roadworks on Gipsy Patch Lane

Photomontage of the proposed replacement railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane, looking westwards

Stoke Gifford Parish Council has called a public meeting to discuss the impact of planned major roadworks on Gipsy Patch Lane which are expected to require the road to be fully or partially closed for around 21 months.

The works, which centre around the railway bridge near the Station Road junction, are associated with the Cribbs Patchway MetroBus Extension (CPME) scheme, which will provide a direct express bus link between Bristol Parkway Station and The Mall bus station via the forthcoming new developments on the Filton Airfield site.

Works planned on Gipsy Patch Lane include the demolition of the existing railway bridge, the construction of a new railway bridge to provide a widened carriageway, footways and cycle lanes and works to lower the highway beneath. Works to widen Gipsy Patch Lane between the junction with Titan Road and the junction with Bush Avenue are also planned.

The closure of the road is expected to have a significant impact on traffic flows on roads through Stoke Gifford and Bradley Stoke as motorists seek alternative routes. It is anticipated that a shuttle bus will be provided to mitigate the impact on non-motorised users.

According to the latest information released by South Gloucestershire Council, the road closures will commence in July 2019 and last until March 2021. A full closure of the road at the site of the railway bridge will be needed for 344 days between January and November 2020.

The public meeting has been called unilaterally by the parish council with a view to forming a stakeholder liaison group, as required by a condition on the CPME planning permission. The aim of the liaison group will be “to exchange relevant information, to respond to local comments and to maintain good community relations”.

Public Meeting to discuss planned works on Gipsy Patch Lane

7pm, Monday 19th November

Little Stoke Community Hall, Little Stoke Lane, BS34 6HR


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Discussion on planned works at this location
  3. Open forum to discuss relevant matters
  4. Discussion on mitigating factors during construction works
  5. To consider forming a liaison group
  6. Summary of meeting and closure

Organised by Stoke Gifford Parish Council

Enquiries: 01454 865202

This article originally appeared in the November 2018 issue of the Stoke Gifford Journal news magazine (on page 15). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to over 5,000 homes in Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke and Harry Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

POSTCRIPT (17th November 2018)

The Journal understands that South Gloucestershire Council officers from the CPME project team will be attending the meeting to give a presentation and answer questions.

In relation to the requirement for a stakeholder liaison group to be formed, a South Gloucestershire Council spokesperson said:

“A wide range of engagement and communication channels will be put in place for the CPME scheme. A planning condition for the formation of a stakeholder liaison group, including local business and resident representation, is attached to both of the planning permissions for Gipsy Patch Lane and will form just one of these channels.”

“As the applicants for the scheme, the CPME project team, made up of South Gloucestershire Council and Network Rail, need to satisfy this condition. We will outline how we intend to set up the group as part of the presentation at the meeting.”

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  1. Hi,

    My house backs onto Brook Way, 1/2 way between the Tesco and Aldi roundabouts, we were frequently trapped in our road for months on end both morning and evening by the woodland lane debacle and this would seem to me to be as bad. Not only am I worried about the amount of general traffic but the road is crossed by dozens of pedestrians with children going to our local primary schools every day. The road isn’t in very good condition – particularly some of the speed bumps, I think the council need to do something about this before the other work commences. They also need to look at ensuring lorries and big trucks don’t use this road and that they are re-directed along roads better suited to their size, please don’t tell me lorries don’t use this road as most of Tesco’s Trucks roll past daily along with many others. Thanks

  2. I have not seen any comments about the tree down Gipsy Patch Lane therefore I assume they are to remain. Removing them in my view would not be acceptable.

    Kind Regards. Kevin Griffiths

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