New consultation launched on proposed 20mph zone.
South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has abandoned plans to install raised tables at two existing zebra crossings on North Road, despite a majority of consultation respondents saying they agreed with the proposals.
The traffic-calming measures had been put forward for the crossing located near the St Michael’s Centre (by The Green) and a second further up the road near the Trust Rooms.
According to the ‘statement of reasons‘ published as part of a public consultation which ran for three weeks from 17th June 2019, the proposed measures were being made in response to “concerns that had been raised by members of the public and the local councillor”. The stated purpose was to “reduce traffic speeds on the approach to the crossings … and reduce the number of incidents where drivers fail to give way at the crossings”.
A recently published feedback report shows that, of the 64 individuals and organisations who responded to the consultation, 36 (56 percent) expressed overall support for the scheme.
However, the report also shows that the proposals lacked support from two local councillors, with Cllr Ernie Brown commenting that “recorded speed levels certainly do not warrant traffic calming” and Cllr Brian Allinson saying he was “rapidly coming to the conclusion that a 20mph limit is required”.
A response from Stoke Gifford Parish Council claimed the proposed measures would have little impact on reducing speed generally along North Road and asked if alternative measures such as flashing signs could be used.
Following a meeting between council officers, local ward members and the parish council, SGC decided not to proceed with the raised tables and it has now launched a new public consultation on a proposed ‘sign only’ 20mph speed limit on North Road and the surrounding cul-de-sacs.
Justifying the change of approach, officers said: “Current average speed readings support the installation of a 20mph speed limit without the need for physical traffic calming, which would significantly reduce the cost and disruption of the scheme.”
Consultation on the 20mph speed limit proposals runs until Monday 14th October. For further details, visit www.southglos.gov.uk/consultation or phone 01454 864215 to receive paper copies of the consultation material.
This article originally appeared in the October 2019 issue of the Stoke Gifford Journal magazine (on page 14). The magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to over 5,000 homes in Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke and Harry Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.