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Poppy Appeal success for local Legion branch

Photo of VIPs attending the Poppy Appeal launch.

The Stoke Gifford branch  of the Royal British Legion (RBL) is having another good year with the Poppy Appeal, reports branch press officer Tony Peters.

So far this year (2019/20), we have raised over £45,000. If we include Cribbs Causeway and Almondsbury – new areas in which we helped out – it is over £65,000!

Our branch chairman Ian Harrison, and the Poppy Appeal organisers John Moloney, Tony Peters, Billy Wilde and Terry Webber would like to thank the public, branch members and volunteers, business and other organisations for their help and generosity throughout the appeal.

A special mention to the poppy knitters, who in some case knitted up to 600 poppies and have already knitted hundreds for the next poppy collection later this year. Thank you also to our local media who do so much to help us raise so much money and help us raise the profile of our work so we can reach more people who need our help.

The money raised through the Poppy Appeal goes to help the RBL’s Welfare Fund, which is used to give help and support to current and ex-service personnel and their families.

If you or someone you know need(s) help from the Royal British Legion, please contact the National Help Line on 0800 802 8080.

The Stoke Gifford Branch RBL branch is always looking for new members – you do not have to have served to join the branch. Volunteers for poppy selling and poppy knitting are always needed. You can contact us for volunteering or joining on

Locally, we recommend a Veterans’ Breakfast held in the café at ASDA Abbey Wood held on the last Tuesday of the month, between 9.30am and 11am. Recently, the Royal Air Forces Association at 38 Eastfield, Westbury-on-Trym BS9 4BE has started an All Services Veterans’ Lunch held on the second Wednesday of the month between 12noon and 3pm. Both events are designed to get veterans out, mixing and talking with fellow veterans who can understand some of the problems encountered in civilian life, often years after serving one’s country.

If you need further information on helping with the Poppy Appeal, or Veterans Breakfast or Dinner, please contact Tony Peters on 07971 242845 or

See also: Stoke Gifford Royal British Legion on Facebook

Photo: Launch of the local 2019/20 Poppy Appeal at Parkway Station in October 2019.

This article originally appeared in the February 2020 issue of the Stoke Gifford Journal magazine (on page 14). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to over 5,000 homes in Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke and Harry Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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