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Another “excellent” set of Post-16 results for Abbeywood

Abbeywood Community School: Post-16 examination results 2020.

Year 13 students at Abbeywood Community School are celebrating an excellent set of Post-16 results, with over half of students receiving grades A*-B and over 20 percent receiving a top grade. The overall pass rate was 99 percent.

The average A-level grade achieved this year was a grade B and the average vocational course grade was a Distinction.

The overall results are said to be above the national average for progress made at A-level, reflected in the school’s highest-ever number of students being awarded places at the top Russell Group universities this year.

Gemma Shafto, director of Post-16, said:

“We are delighted that the hard work of our students and staff has been recognised in these very positive results. So many of our students have achieved the excellent grades they deserve, and they now embark on a wide range of exciting undergraduate courses, apprenticeships, employment or a gap year. We are extremely proud of the achievements of our Year 13 students and we wish them all the very best for their future.”

Top performers highlighted by the school include:

  • Amy Bamford (A*, A*, B) – Business and Economics at Cardiff University
  • George Beaven (A*, Distinction*, A) – Film at Bournemouth University
  • Sophie Harris (A*, A, A) – Politics at Bournemouth University
  • Rhian Marsden (A, B, Distinction) – Film and TV at Reading University
  • Aksha Pathmaseen (A*, B, B) – Biological Science at Leicester University
  • Denisa Racaceanu (A*, A, Distinction*) – Law and Business at UWE
  • Aaron Thyer-Burr (A*, A, B) – Medical Genetics at Swansea University
  • Shazera Begum (Distinction, Distinction, A)

Abbeywood headteacher Dave Howe added:

“We are so proud of our students who thoroughly deserve this superb set of Post-16 results. These excellent outcomes are a tribute to the dedication and hard work of both staff and students and now provide the springboard to exciting futures. On behalf of the whole school community I wish all our students a successful future and look forward to hearing about their many wonderful future achievements.”

Update (22nd August 2020)

The grades included in this article are the algorithm-based ones issued on results day. Following the subsequent decision by the government to revert to centre-assessed A-level grades, some of the information shown may now be incorrect. We have approached the school to ask for the amended data and will update the article once this has been forthcoming.

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