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Two-way traffic returns to part of Gipsy Patch Lane

Photo of highway works taking place alongside a live traffic lane.
Highway works and one-way traffic at the eastern end of Gipsy Patch Lane, Little Stoke, in November 2021.

The good progress being made with highway widening works east of the new railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane has allowed South Gloucestershire Council to plan for a return to two-way traffic on part of the road with effect from Monday 22nd November.

A full closure of Gipsy Patch Lane east of the bridge is scheduled for Sunday 21st November, between 8am and 8pm, to enable the council’s StreetCare team to make changes to the temporary road layout. The works will involve relocating the temporary road studs and concrete barrier east of Stokers public house. These changes are being made to help reopen some of the residential side-road junctions following substantial completion of certain phases of the works. Other works east of the bridge will continue.

From Monday 22nd November, the junctions for Smithcourt Drive and the service road leading to Bush Avenue and Stokers public house will be reopened to traffic. Vehicles will be able to turn left and right out of both side roads.

Photo of a mini-excavator being used for highway works, with a public house in the background.
Highway works on Gipsy Patch Lane at the junction with the service road for Bush Avenue and Stokers pubic house.

The current westbound one-way system will remain in place but will be moved and will be in operation between the service road leading to Bush Avenue, east of the railway bridge, and the Rolls-Royce mini-roundabout, west of the railway bridge.

The junctions for Station Road, Gifford Crescent, and the service road on the north side of the carriageway will remain closed to traffic whilst work continues in those areas.

A week later, on Sunday 28th November, between 8am and 8pm, Gipsy Patch Lane will be closed to traffic west of the railway bridge, between the bridge and the Rolls-Royce mini-roundabout. This is to enable the council’s StreetCare team to make changes to the temporary road layout. The works will involve removing the temporary road studs and the concrete barrier west of the mini-roundabout. These changes are being made following substantial completion of the works in this area. Other works west of bridge will continue.

Plan showing traffic management.
Gipsy Patch Lane: Traffic management from Monday 22nd November 2021.

• View a hi-re version of the above traffic management plan: JPEG | PDF (on Dropbox)

During both Sunday closures, the westbound one-way system will not be in operation and those needing to travel by car between Stoke Gifford and the Filton/Patchway area will need to use the diversion route via Winterbourne Road, Bradley Stoke Way and the A38, or vice versa. Pedestrian and cycling access will, however, be maintained via the new shared use path.

The reduced-scope westbound one-way system along Gipsy Patch Lane will remain in place until all the road widening work is complete, currently scheduled for September 2022. After this date some ad hoc traffic management will be required along Gipsy Patch Lane to enable landscaping works and the installation of shelters, iPoints and CCTV at the new MetroBus stops.

A spokesperson for South Gloucestershire Council said:

“We will continue to keep the traffic management along Gipsy Patch Lane under review. As work progresses, if we are able to reopen further side junctions, then we will.”


Under the bridge

Work here continues on the drainage system and enhanced pumping station. Network Rail and its contractor Alun Griffiths Ltd are currently excavating for the valve chambers which will be installed towards the end of November. These have been precast off site by a supplier and are in their curing period prior to delivery and installation.

Photo of a drainage system under construction.
Drainage system (pumping station and valve chambers) under construction under the new railway bridge.

Off-site manufacturing is continuing for the pumping equipment and the first fix (pipe works, ducting and cabling) is planned for the beginning of December and the second fix (pump installation, wiring and commissioning) by the end of the year.

More information and related links:

This article originally appeared in the November/December 2021 issue of the Stoke Gifford Journal magazine (on pages 6 & 7). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to over 5,000 homes in Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke and Harry Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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