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Date for Stoke Gifford Village Fête announced

Photo of a brass band playing at a fête.
Stoke Gifford Fête at the Trust Grounds, North Road.

The Stoke Gifford Trust Committee has announced that the 2022 Village Fête will take place on Friday 3rd June. This is the Friday of the extended Spring Bank Holiday and Platinum Jubilee weekend.

The event will take place from 2pm to 5pm at the Trust Grounds, North Road BS34 8PE.
Advertised attractions include swing boats, teas & cakes, donkeys, barbecue, brass band, games, bouncy castles, arts and crafts, coconut shy and stalls.

There will also be a Fun Dog Show (1pm to 4pm) in association with Bristol Dog Action Welfare Group (DAWG). Enter your dog for £1!


A spokesperson for Stoke Gifford Trust said:

“We’re looking for people to help with all aspects of running the day, from setup in the morning, stewarding during the event and packing everything up at the end of the day. If you’d like to help the fête return bigger and better than before, please get in touch.”


The fête is an ideal opportunity to raise the profile of your group, do a bit of fundraising or have an ‘arts and crafts’ stall. If you’d like a stall, email or phone 0117 405 5372 to reserve your place.

Stallholders who do not represent a recognised local charity or not-for-profit group will be asked for a donation of £10, payable on the day.

More information: Stoke Gifford Trust

This article originally appeared in the March/April 2022 issue of the Stoke Gifford Journal magazine (on page 11). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to over 5,000 homes in Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke and Harry Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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