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MetroBus shelter dismantled and reinstalled due to design oversight

Photo of a partly dismantled bus shelter.
Modification work being carried on on a MetroBus stop shelter on Gipsy Patch Lane (December 2022).

One of the new MetroBus stop shelters installed over a year ago on Gipsy Patch Lane has had to be almost completely dismantled and reinstalled due to a design oversight.

Workers were seen dismantling the shelter, at the eastbound stop designated ‘Bush Avenue’, in mid-December and were still completing the job on Monday this week (9th January 2023).

Enquiries with South Gloucestershire Council have revealed that following installation, it was identified that there was a “small risk” of vehicles coming into contact with the rear of the shelter’s roof (on the service road side). Consequently, a decision was made to replace the roof with a narrower style.


However, the amount of work carried out at ground level (visible in the photo above) suggests the whole shelter has also had be moved by some distance.

A spokesperson for the council said:

“The issue identified is unique to this stop due to the narrow nature of the land available between Gipsy Patch Lane and adjoining service road. This constraint does not occur at any of the other MetroBus stops that have been installed as part of the Cribbs Patchway MetroBus Extension (CPME) scheme.”

Asked about the cost of the remedial work, the spokesperson declined to give a figure, saying only:

“The cost of work will be covered by risk allocation within the CPME budget. The CPME project remains within budget.”


iPoint installation

South Gloucestershire Council has warned of some possible traffic disruption today and tomorrow, Tuesday/Wednesday 10th/11th January 2023, as iPoints (combined information and ticket machines) are installed at the upgraded MetroBus stops on Hatchet Road and Gipsy Patch Lane.

A post on the CPME Facebook page said:

iPoints are to be installed at metrobus stops along Hatchet Road and Gipsy Patch Lane this week.
The iPoints, which will help bus passengers plan their journeys and allow them to buy tickets before they board, are being installed at six bus stops that have been upgraded to MetroBus stops as part of the Cribbs Patchway MetroBus Extension.

The work will take place on Tuesday 10th January and Wednesday 11th January.

Each installation is not expected to last more than a few hours and all six bus stops will be completed over the two days.

The majority of the work will be carried out through the closure of bus lanes or bus stop laybys.


For the Hatchet Road north-bound bus stop, near the Sandringham Road/ Ratcliffe Drive roundabout, two-way temporary traffic lights will need to be used. The lights will be used during off-peak hours only (between 9.30am and 3pm).

For the Bush Avenue Westbound stop, near to Smithcourt Drive, the iPoint unit will be installed from the Smithcourt Drive side and this may cause some limited disruption for residents in the immediate area.

All six of the MetroBus stops will be closed during the work and bus users are advised to walk to the next nearest stop.

We apologise for any disruption caused and thank you for your patience.

Timetable published

Map of a bus route.
M4 MetroBus route (Cribbs Causeway to Bristol city centre).

With the M4 MetroBus service due to commence in less than two weeks on Sunday 22nd January 2023, operator First West of England has recently published its timetable for the new service.

Although originally specified as a link between The Mall at Cribbs Causeway and Bristol Parkway Station, the new service will in fact extend onwards to Bristol city centre via the University of the West of England (UWE) and the M32 motorway (see full route map above).


Journey times between Cribbs Causeway and Bristol Parkway Station will be between 16 and 17 minutes, with the remainder of the journey to Bristol city centre taking a further 24 to 37 minutes (depending on the time of day).

Full details of the timetables and ticket options can be found on the Journal’s dedicated M4 MetroBus information page.

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