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ADVERTORIAL: Free art workshops for local people at UWE Frenchay’s ‘Community Making Space’

Photo of an adult and a child painting sculptures.

Residents of Stoke Gifford and surrounding areas are invited to take part in a number of free art workshops to have a go at building sculptures that will be installed in the grounds of UWE Frenchay Campus.

As part of a public art project with Arnolfini, UWE Bristol and artists Juneau Projects, a ‘Community Making Space’ is opening on the campus where a series of workshops will be held during April and May.

The sculptures, designed through workshops with local community groups and staff and students at the university, will be set amongst a garden area on a new student accommodation village on the campus, creating a vibrant place for the community to connect to nature. The sculpture garden will be a public place open to all for meeting, recreation, play and quiet reflection.

Workshop dates

Close up of two pairs of hands modelling clay.

  • Tuesday 4th April: Family  Workshop
  • Thursday 20th April: Afternoon  Workshop
  • Tuesday 25th April: Afternoon Workshop
  • Thursday 27th April: Lunchtime Workshop
  • Thursday 11th May: Afternoon  Workshop
  • Tuesday 16th May: Afternoon Workshop
  • Thursday 18th May: Afternoon Workshop

The first set of workshops will see participants working with clay to create large scale sculptures that will be cast in bronze. The second set will focus on carving brick clay which will be fired to create large ceramic sculptures.

In a celebration of the often overlooked biodiverse nature found locally, the bronze sculptures and brick clay seating structures will be inspired by the natural forms of mosses, lichens and similar plants.

Visualisation of possible outcomes.
UWE Frenchay community art: Visualisation of possible outcomes.

No experience needed!

Artists Ben and Phil from Juneau Projects will be on hand to give guidance. No art experience necessary! Aprons and hand washing facilities will be available.

For more details and to book a place on these workshops visit:

This is a joint public art project between Arnolfini and UWE Bristol.

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