An application for street trading consent relating to the siting of a trailer selling fast food in a parking bay on North Road, Stoke Gifford is to be considered by a licensing sub-committee tomorrow (Tuesday 18th May 2021).
The street trading consent being applied for is for the sale of breakfast items and sandwiches, hot & cold food and drinks, Monday to Saturday between 8am and 2pm.
The proposed trading site is situated approximately thirty metres from the mini roundabout on Hatchet Road, opposite the Allen & Harris estate agents shop.
The application has been submitted by Wayne Janes, proprietor of the WBS Barbershop located just behind Allen & Harris.
According to the application form, the business would trade under the name ‘The Village Hatch’.
A total of eight objections have been received from members of the public, citing concerns over public nuisance, litter, noise and public safety.
A report prepared ahead of the meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s Licensing Sub-Committee, records that local ward members and the parish council provided “no response” to the formal consultation. However, the draft minutes of April’s parish council meeting state:
“Parish councillors feel very strongly that this licence application should be rejected. Concerns included: vehicles reversing off the estate’s frontage. Main entrance to pub car park. The exact location is marked car parking bays. General traffic concerns at ‘busy’ times.”
SGC officers have recommended that, “based on concerns from residents in the local community, and the potential for nuisance, and public safety matters in an already busy commuter area”, that the Licensing Sub-Committee refuses the application.
The sub-committee meeting starts at 10.30am and it will be webcast live (see link on agenda page) and also be available for viewing later.
More information and related links:
Decision: Application refused
UPDATE added 18th May 2021.
South Gloucestershire Council’s Licensing Sub-Committee today resolved to refuse the application for street trading consent made by Wayne Janes trading as ‘The Village Hatch’.