The Journal has invited all candidates in the 2023 District Elections to submit a 250-word first-person profile.
Where none has yet been received, we have in some cases used content from the Journal archives or from the candidate’s election leaflets, social media etc.
Stoke Gifford ward (3 seats)
David Addison (Labour)

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and parish elections.
I’ve lived in Stoke Gifford since 2004 and worked here since 1999. In 2012, I became chair of the Stoke Gifford Trust, a charity managing the North Road playing field. Later in that year, I was co-opted onto the Parish Council. I’m currently finishing my second term as a Parish Councillor and would like the opportunities both to continue on the Parish Council and to represent Stoke Gifford on South Gloucestershire Council.
As a Parish councillor, I’ve chaired the Finance committee and helped to provide high quality services maintaining the green spaces and community facilities in the parish, whilst maintaining the precept at a reasonable level for local residents.
I would endeavour to continue this approach if elected, to South Gloucestershire council treating affordable housing and effective public transport as priorities.
Keith Cranney (Conservative)

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and parish/town elections.
My name is Keith Cranney and I have been living in this neighbourhood for over 40 years. I am married with 2 grown-up sons. I started working as a local government officer in 1974. After retirement, I was elected to the South Gloucestershire Council in May 2003 and became chairman of the Regulatory Committee of the Council. Residents put their trust continuously in me and I was re-elected in 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2019 as part of the Conservatives Panel.
I am currently Chairman of the Licensing sub-committee and the Stoke Gifford Community Engagement Forum, and a Member of the Avon Fire Authority and the Development Control Planning Committee of the Council. I am also a parish councillor in Stoke Gifford since 2003 and a Bradley Stoke Town Councillor since 2007. I chaired the Stoke Gifford Parish Council and the Bradley Stoke Planning and Environment Committee for years.
As a retired Local Government Officer, I brought experience and knowledge to the table. I have always given priority to the community. I have been attending and resolving many community issues during the last 20 years as a councillor. All my constituents are happy with my service, which gives me much gratification. I am standing as a Conservative candidate for the Bradley Stoke Town Council from Stoke Brook Ward as well as for the District Council from Stoke Gifford. I wish to pursue my services for the benefit of the community. Please vote for me and our team.
Neel Das Gupta (Conservative)

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and parish elections.
I live in Fabian Drive in Stoke Gifford with my wife and 3 year old son.
I want to directly contribute in making Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke and Harry Stoke a better place to live, should the local residents give me an opportunity to represent them, by electing me as their District and Parish Councillor on 4th May 2023.
I am impassioned about serving the local residents of Stoke Gifford, by improving local schools, roads, transportation, infrastructure and parks.
I believe in contributing towards the welfare of the local community. For the past 6 years I have been voluntarily supporting and leading various non-profitable free events in Bristol promoting cultural cohesion and inclusivity.
I have worked in South Gloucestershire for 10 years. I have an Engineering Degree in Electronics and Masters in Business Administration & Leadership.
Tony Griffiths (Conservative)

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and parish/town elections.
– No profile available for Stoke Gifford –
What we know: Home address in Bradley Stoke. Currently a member of Bradley Stoke Town Council (seeking re-election). Also seeking election to Stoke Gifford Parish Council.
See: Candidate profile for Bradley Stoke town election (BSJ)
Daniel Harris (Labour Party)

Hello, my name’s Dan Harris, it’s an honour to be given a chance to represent Stoke Gifford in the upcoming elections, I’ve been a member of Labour in Filton for roughly 3 years now, and live close to the boundary with Stoke Gifford.
Stoke Gifford is an area I’m familiar with, I have ties to the area, having attended St Michael’s Primary school, and can often be found in the area, doing my job as a home delivery driver for Asda.
If elected, I will be a visible, accountable Councillor, listening to people’s concerns, and doing my utmost to help them. I intend to help out the local schools and nurseries, fulfilling Labour’s pledge that every primary school has a lunch club, so children can eat. I’d offer to accompany the local beat team regularly, seeing first hand how they tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.
I will work with the other two people chosen to represent this ward, to hold regular surgeries, so people feel they can approach us with their concerns, and if for whatever reason someone can’t come to the surgery, but still wishes to meet us, I will go to them, so they’re not left out.
Please vote for me, to make an actual difference to your local community.
Thank you.
Brian Mead (Labour)

I work locally as a civil servant and live in Stoke Gifford. I have lived in either North Bristol or South Gloucestershire all my life. I am Secretary of Bristol Speedway Supporters Club and have been involved in organising charity fundraising events for several years. I’m a committed trade unionist and a member of the Regional Political Committee of UNITE the Union. I am standing as a Labour & Co-operative candidate. If elected, I’m look forward to going around the parish finding out the views and concerns of the residents so I can represent them to the council.
Kimberley Stansfield (Liberal Democrats)

I grew up in South Gloucestershire and live in Stoke Gifford while working at the University of the West of England as a librarian. I spend every day listening to and working with students to help them achieve their potential and believe these skills I’ve developed are essential to being a great councillor.
My colleagues and I are running to be your councillors because we believe more consultation with our local community is needed. The most important aspect of being a councillor is being a local representative that listens and responds to those who elect them. I would ensure that decisions are made with the residents of Stoke Gifford rather than imposed upon you.
I’m passionate about improving public transport so we can get people out of cars, ease congestion on our busy roads and combat the Climate Emergency. We need to work on green alternatives to get around and encourage walking and cycling in the area, improving the infrastructure to enable this. Safer pedestrian routes are needed including having more regular road and pavement maintenance.
We would offer support to people to combat the cost-of-living crisis and support affordable sustainable housing that improves and adds to the local community. The council needs to work with the developers to ensure truly local schools, community centres and public spaces are provided. I would endeavour to work towards this and make Stoke Gifford an even better place to live.
Karl Tomasin (Liberal Democrats)

I moved from Somerset over 30 years ago and I’m married with 3 grown up children. I work nights in a warehouse at Emersons Green so will be around during the day to speak to residents.
I am currently chair of the local Lib Dem branch and have been a parish councillor for the past 8 years enjoying every minute of it.
I have been the Chair of Governors at Little Stoke Primary school and found it really rewarding supporting the children’s education.
Like my 2 colleagues I want to make sure all parts of Stoke Gifford get their fair share of resources from South Gloucestershire Council. I know certain parts of the area suffer from parking problems and if elected my colleagues and I will talk to and listen to residents to see where the problems are, what people think should happen and then after meaningful consultation fight to get the solution implemented.
The new Sort It Centre needs to be built to support the growing local population and so we are not the poor relation to other parts of South Gloucestershire. In addition we need to sort out the problems at the bridge at Parkway Station. The pavements are too narrow and it is time a pedestrian tunnel is provided to make it safer.
With all the house building going on locally I will be using my influence to promote the development of Zero Carbon Homes in line with our Climate Emergency declaration.
Jon Williams (Liberal Democrat)

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and parish elections.
I am now retired after working for 41 years with Bristol City Council. My wife and I moved to Stoke Gifford from Bradley Stoke back in 2020. Both our daughters live locally and we have 2 grandchildren one goes to Baileys Court School and other goes to Busy Bees nursery.
I have had previous experience on both South Gloucestershire Council and Bradley Stoke Town Council so I know the ropes and how to get things done.
I also volunteer for the Police at Patchway Custody Suite where I go to talk to the detainees and make sure their welfare is being supported.
Too many times things happen in our area without anyone asking the residents if it’s a good idea. Under this council consultation and listening are forgotten words and so my colleagues and I will listen and consult with you in a meaningful way and respond to any communication to us within 5 days.
If I am elected at the forthcoming elections I will use my time to ensure that all parts of Stoke Gifford get their fair share of resources from the council particularly the new Sort It Centre we were promised 3 years ago, the proposed community building at Brookland Park, more road surfacing to prevent more damage to our vehicles and I will campaign for more reliable, affordable and greener buses for our area.