On Thursday 4th May 2023, all of the seats on Stoke Gifford Parish Council will be up for election.
Councillors will be elected to serve a four-year term of office.
The South Gloucestershire district elections are being held on the same day.
The Notice of Election will be published not later than Monday 27th March 2023 and nominations will be accepted until the deadline on Tuesday 4th April 2023.
The deadline for voter registration is Monday 17th April 2023. If you are unsure whether you are registered to vote, please contact the SGC helpline on 01454 863030.
Register to vote (GOV.UK)
The deadline for postal vote applications is Tuesday 18th April 2023.
Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm. NEW: Photo ID must be shown!
More info:
- Elections and voting (SGC)
- Stand for election (SGC)
- Local elections 2023 (SGC)
- Election Timetable [PDF]
- Notice of Election, published 24th March 2023 [PDF] (SGC)
- Statement of Persons Nominated and Notice of Poll, published 4th April 2023 [PDF] (SGC)
- Where Do I Vote? (Democracy Club)
Parish election news in the Journal
Labour Party becomes largest group on Stoke Gifford Parish Council
Candidates announced for district and parish elections in Stoke Gifford
Candidates & results
We have made efforts to obtain a short (250-word max) statement from each candidate. If you are a candidate and haven’t heard from us yet, please get in touch.
View all available candidate profiles (or click on a name below)
Which ward am I in? See: Map of revised parish council warding arrangements following the Community Governance Review of 2022 [PDF; 764kB] (SGPC)
Following the elections, the parish council has the following make up (in brackets the number of seats in 2019 when there were nine rather than 12 seats representing the equivalent area):
- Labour 7 seats (2019: 2)
- Conservatives 5 seats (2019: 7)
Central ward (6 seats)
🔗 Results in detail (SGC)
- David Addison (Labour) 922 votes ELECTED
- Sue Bandcroft (Labour) 906 votes ELECTED
- Penny Richardson (Labour) 896 votes ELECTED
- Janet Brunwin (Labour) 796 votes ELECTED
- Keiron Marsden (Labour) 795 votes ELECTED
- Neel Das Gupta (Conservative) 777 votes ELECTED
- David Brunwin (Labour) 763 votes
- Pauline Reich (Conservative) 715 votes
- Tony Griffiths (Conservative) 693 votes
- Jon Williams (Liberal Democrats) 615 votes
- Jacqueline Henshaw (Independent) 338 votes
North ward (4 seats)
- Richard Barber (Labour) ELECTED
- Mike Brown (Conservative) ELECTED
- Keith Cranney (Conservative) ELECTED
- Brian Mead (Labour) ELECTED
Note: No poll will take place in North ward as the number of candidates equals the number of seats.
South ward (2 seats)
- Tony Hyde (Conservative) ELECTED
- Andrew Shore (Conservative) ELECTED
Note: No poll will take place in South ward as the number of candidates equals the number of seats.