This page brings together news and resources relating to the construction of the Cribbs Patchway MetroBus Extension (CPME) route through Little Stoke and Stoke Gifford. For background information on how the CPME scheme has evolved, including the controversy over a proposed bus lane on Hatchet Road, visit the Journal’s main CPME page.
Early preparatory work began on Gipsy Patch Lane on Monday 25th February 2019 to divert underground utilities and undertake surveys in preparation for the main construction work.
Traffic management has been used in the vicinity of the railway bridge from 2nd September 2019 as further preparations are made.
An estimated 8-month closure of Gipsy Patch Lane at the railway bridge began on Thursday 5th March 2020.
The new bridge was finally ‘dropped’ into position on the morning of Saturday 14th November 2020, 15 days later than originally planned after the operation encountered “significant issues”.
The railway was reopened on on the morning of Monday 23rd November 2020, 16 days later than originally planned.

As of 6am on Monday 8th August 2022, Gipsy Patch Lane is fully reopened to traffic in both directions, with all lanes of the widened carriageway in use.
There is full access for cyclists and pedestrians along both sides of the road, including under the bridge.
Read more: Council confirms Gipsy Patch Lane will reopen by Monday (8th August)
Quick overview: What happens next?
The remaining work includes:
- Installation of iPoints and bus shelters
- Landscaping
- Remedial work to the railway embankment to the north-east of the bridge
Current status (February 2023)
Remedial work to the railway embankment
The southern end of Station Road, at its junction with Gipsy Patch Lane, is now expected to remain closed until the end of March 2023.
Read more: Reopening of Station Road junction delayed AGAIN
UPDATE (15th July 2022)
Gipsy Patch Lane will be fully closed to traffic, between the entrance to Pegasus Park and the junction with Taurus Road, from 8pm on Friday 22nd July until 6am on Monday 8th August 2022.
The road closure is required to allow resurfacing of the widened carriageway west of the railway bridge (Rolls-Royce side).
Read more: “Final” two-week full closure of Gipsy Patch Lane to start Friday 22nd July
UPDATE (18th March 2022)
Gipsy Patch Lane will reopen to two-way traffic from 6am on Monday 25th April 2022. All side road junctions will also reopen to traffic from this date.
To enable Gipsy Patch Lane to be reopened to two-way traffic, resurfacing work will need to take place over the Easter period. From 8pm on Friday 8th April until 6am Monday 25th April, Gipsy Patch Lane will be closed to all traffic between its junction with Little Stoke Lane and the entrance to Pegasus Park.
Read more: Two-way traffic to return along full length of Gipsy Patch Lane in late April
UPDATE (13th January 2022)
Gipsy Patch Lane will be fully closed to traffic, between the service road junction, east of the railway bridge, and the Rolls Royce Gate 5, west of the railway bridge, between 8pm on Saturday 29th January 2022 and 8pm on Sunday 30th January 2022.
This closure is required to make changes to the temporary road layout and reopen some of the residential side-road junctions following “substantial completion of certain phases of the works”.
UPDATE (4th December 2021)
A full closure of Gipsy Patch Lane at the railway bridge, for vehicles AND pedestrians, is planned for Sunday 5th December 2021, between 9am and 5pm.
Read more: Gipsy Patch Lane full closure on Sunday 5th December (SGJ)
UPDATE (8th November 2021)
From Monday 22nd November 2021, the junctions for Smithcourt Drive and the service road leading to Bush Avenue (and the Stokers public house) on Gipsy Patch Lane will be reopened to traffic. Vehicles will be able to turn left and right out of both junctions.
The westbound one-way system will remain in place but will be moved and will be in operation between the service road leading to Bush Avenue, east of the railway bridge, and the Rolls-Royce mini-roundabout, west of the bridge.
In other words, two-way traffic will be in operation between the Winterbourne Road roundabout and the service road leading into Bush Avenue (currently it extends only as far as the junction with Little Stoke Lane).
The junctions for Station Road, Gifford Crescent and the service road on the north side of Gipsy Patch Lane will remain closed to traffic whilst work continues in this area.
On Sunday 21st November 2021, between 8am and 8pm, Gipsy Patch Lane will be closed to traffic east of the railway bridge, between the Little Stoke Lane junction and the railway bridge. This is to allow the necessary changes to the temporary road layout to be carried out.
Read more: Two-way traffic returns to part of Gipsy Patch Lane
Previous updates
UPDATE (4th August 2021) Statement from South Gloucestershire Council:
In preparation for Gipsy Patch Lane opening one-way, highways construction work is needed along the north-side carriageway under the new railway bridge.
This work will take place overnight, between the hours of 5pm and 2.30am, from Tuesday 10th August to Friday 13th August inclusive.
Pedestrian access under the railway bridge will remain open during this work, as will access to Pegasus Park.
We apologies for any disruption this work may cause and thank you for your continued patience.
UPDATE (27th July 2021) Statement from South Gloucestershire Council:

We will shortly be able to reopen Gipsy Patch Lane in a westbound direction only (towards the A38) and this one-way system is planned to open in September. [See map above; view hi-res version (SGC)]
To help keep you informed and to explain more about the one-way system, we are holding a public drop-in event on Wednesday 4th August from 3pm to 7pm. This will be in the car park of the Stokers pub, Gipsy Patch Lane, Little Stoke, Bristol, BS34 8LU. We would encourage people to walk or cycle to the event if possible, however if you need to drive, please park considerately.
Officers from the council will be available to answer your questions, along with representatives from Network Rail. Everyone is welcome to attend at any time during the drop-in session, and there is no need to book.
The event is outdoors and there will be a small, covered area. If it rains the event will still go ahead. In light of the continuing Covid pandemic and rising cases we kindly request those attending to observe social distancing, and we are encouraging staff and visitors to wear face masks.
We are in the process of arranging a second drop-in event and will publicise further details when they are confirmed.
UPDATE (6th March 2021): A further restriction on traffic flow along Gipsy Patch Lane, Little Stoke, is due to come into force on Monday 8th March 2021 with the closure of a section of the westbound carriageway just west of the Little Stoke Lane junction. Additionally, the eastbound carriageway on Gipsy Patch Lane at the same location will be reduced to a single lane. The carriageway and lane closures are needed as part of work to upgrade two existing bus stops to MetroBus specification. Read more…
UPDATE (27th January 2021): A footpath under the new railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane has been realigned to enable works to lower the road under the bridge to continue. The footpath, which is for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists only, is now running under the centre of the new railway bridge. Screening has been placed either side of the footpath to separate users from the ongoing works.

UPDATE (8th January 2021): Statement from Network Rail:
During Christmas 2020 we completed the follow up work needed on the railway, to compact the track stone (tamping). This improves performance as well as the life span of the track.
The focus has now moved to the road underneath the bridge which is now being lowered and widened.
UPDATE (10th December 2020): A route for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists to pass under the new Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge was seen to be open at 3.46pm this afternoon. We’ve asked the council if access will be open 24/7 or be time-restricted in any way and will update this statement once we hear back.
Official statement from SGC on Thursday 10th December:
A footpath, for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists only, has been reopened under the new railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane.
A free shuttle bus service that had been operating for pedestrians is no longer available.
The footpath is narrow and pedestrians are advised to take extra care should they need to use it. Anyone using the footpath should observe social distancing.
Cyclists are reminded that they must dismount and push their bikes through should they choose to use this footpath.
Alternative cycling diversions are available.
The footpath under the bridge will remain open until further notice and we will continue to keep the community updated.
UPDATE (23rd November): As expected, the railway line has reopened this morning.

UPDATE (22nd November 2020): Network Rail has confirmed that the railway will reopen on Monday 23rd November 2020.
🛠️ Work to reinstate the railway over Gipsy Patch Bridge is nearly finished.
🚆 Train services between England & South Wales will resume Monday morning.
🎬 Earlier, Network Rail Director Mike Gallop, gave a message of thanks.#GipsyPatchSGC pic.twitter.com/qOiVJcsE14
— South Glos Council (@sgloscouncil) November 22, 2020
UPDATE (14th November 2020): After being “stuck” for 15 days, the replacement railway bridge at Gipsy Patch Lane was successfully moved into its intended position on the morning of Saturday 14th November 2020. The railway is expected to remain closed until “at least” Monday 23rd November 2020.
The National Rail Enquiries website is currently stating that the railway closure will continue until “at least Sunday 15th November”. See: Service alteration details

UPDATE (2nd November 2020): A “significant issue” with moving the new railway bridge into position at Gipsy Patch Lane has left the 4,260-tonne structure stuck in soft ground about 30m short of where it needs to be. The planned 13-day railway closure, which was due to end on Friday (6th November), is to be extended.

Official statement from South Gloucestershire Council:
Despite detailed planning and preparation, our contractor, Network Rail has encountered a significant issue moving the new 4,260-tonne Gipsy Patch Lane bridge into place.
The bridge, which is already built, is being moved into position on a number of independent hydraulic transporters. Having successfully moved two thirds of the way into place the bridge transporters are now stuck.
Our focus, alongside Network Rail, is on resolving the issue so that the bridge can be moved into position. This is likely to take a number of days and will delay the re-opening of the mainline.
Rail services are still operating via alternative routes and rail replacement services.
See: Discussion on the SGJ Facebook page
UPDATE (27th October 2020): The old bridge was demolished overnight. Once the debris has been cleared away, the next step to to use pile rigs to install sheet piles between the pile caps (these are the four corner foundation points for the replacement bridge).

UPDATE (28th September 2020): The footpath under the Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge has been closed and the free shuttle bus service reinstated. It is anticipated that passage for pedestrians will be restored during December 2020, but this date is subject to review as it is subject to how work progresses.
UPDATE (12th June 2020): The footpath under the Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge is now open 24/7 again. It had been closed during weekday working hours (8am-4pm) since 20th May 2020.
UPDATE (4th June 2020): To enable Network Rail and Alun Griffiths to continue preparatory and highways work the footpath under the bridge is planned to remain closed between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday, up to and including Friday 12th June. Until this date the footpath under the railway bridge will only open to pedestrians and dismounted cyclists overnight and at weekends. When the footpath is closed the shuttle bus service will be available for people who need to make essential journeys either side of the bridge.
UPDATE (20th May 2020): Pedestrian & cyclist access under the railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane has been temporarily suspended during daytime working hours (8am to 4pm) for approximately the next two weeks (so most likely until week commencing 1st June 2020). The shuttle bus service has consequently been reintroduced during these hours.
UPDATE (9th April 2020): A narrow footpath, suitable for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists only, has been reopened under the railway bridge. Read more…
UPDATE (3rd April 2020): The bridge demolition/installation has been postponed due to the coronavirus crisis. Read more…
More information and related related links:
- Cribbs Patchway MetroBus Extension (The Journal)
- Cribbs Patchway MetroBus Extension (SGC*)
- CPME email newsletter archive (SGC)
- Cribbs Patchway MetroBus Extension (Travelwest**)
* The SGC information page should be considered the definitive source of information about the CPME project and all associated roadworks
** The Travelwest page has been superseded by the SGC page, but is retained for archival purposes.
CPME Project contacts
Network Rail 24/7 helpline
Works around Gipsy Patch Lane Bridge
t: 03457 114141 (24hrs)
Alun Griffiths Contractors – Public Liaison Office
Works around Gipsy Patch Lane Bridge
t: 0330 0414635
CPME Project Team at South Gloucestershire Council
Enquiries about the wider CPME Project
t: 01454 868009
Source: Cribbs Patchway MetroBus Extension project contacts
Pedestrian & cyclist access to be closed
Statement issued by SGC on 16/09/20.
The footpath under the railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane is to close in preparation for the bridge replacement works.
The footpath, which has provided pedestrian access over the summer, will close on the morning of Monday 28th September.
When the footpath closes Network Rail will reinstate the shuttle bus service for pedestrians needing to access either side of the Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge. This service will be free of charge and will operate for the duration of time the railway bridge is closed to pedestrians.
The shuttle bus will start operation on Monday 28th September and will run weekdays, weekends and will also be available overnight.
Network Rail and Alun Griffiths need to close the footpath to allow them to continue preparations for the bridge move, which is scheduled to take place between Saturday 24th October and Saturday 7th November.
Pedestrian & cyclist access temporarily suspended (20/05/20)
To enable Network Rail and Alun Griffiths to carry out preparatory and highways work the footpath under the bridge will be closed between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday, for approximately two weeks (effective immediately). During this time a shuttle bus service will be available for people who need to make essential journeys either side of the bridge.
The shuttle bus pick up points will be Gifford Crescent and the turning circle near to Pegasus Park.
Shuttle bus timetable:
- Gifford Crescent – 15 and 45 minutes past the hour
- Turning circle near to Pegasus Park – on the hour and 30 minutes past the hour
The shuttle bus service is being operated by Stagecoach who have implemented a number of social distancing measures on their services.
The footpath under the railway bridge will only be open to pedestrians and dismounted cyclists overnight and at weekends during this period. Network Rail and Alun Griffiths continue to work on site.
Eight-month road closure to start 5th March
From a press release dated 18/02/20.
Gipsy Patch Lane will be closed to all road users at the railway bridge for approximately eight months from Thursday 5th March.
Access to properties along Gipsy Patch Lane will be maintained and all shops and businesses on and near Gipsy Patch Lane will be open as normal.
Network Rail and its contractor Alun Griffiths will be working towards re-opening a route for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists beneath the new bridge as soon as possible.
There will be a signed diversion route throughout the closure. This diversion route will take motorists via Bradley Stoke Way and the A38.
A number of pedestrian and cycling diversion routes will also be available (see below).
Image: Diversion routes for pedestrians and cyclists.
Diversion route option 1 – Filton Avenue
This route utilises the A38 and Filton Avenue and is especially suitable for cyclists who use the A4174 Ring Road cycle path.
Diversion route option 2 – Little Stoke Lane
This route utilises Little Stoke Lane and the A38 and is predominantly on road.
Diversion route option 3 – Little Stoke Park
Little Stoke Park can be accessed from Gipsy Patch Lane and contains shared use paths leading to a footbridge to the north of Patchway Station. A Public Right of Way can then be followed to the east of the railway to the A38.
Diversion route option 4 – For Patchway Railway Station
This route is for pedestrians and cyclists wanting to access Patchway Railway Station and businesses along Station Road.
Shuttle bus
During the closure of Gipsy Patch Lane, Network Rail will operate a shuttle bus for pedestrians needing access either side of the bridge.
This service will be free of charge and will operate for the duration of time the railway bridge is closed to pedestrians.
The pick-up/drop off points will be at the existing bus stop on Gifford Crescent, on the east of the bridge, and at the turning circle on Gipsy Patch Lane next to the entrance to Pegasus Park, on the west of the bridge.
The service will run every 30 minutes between 6am and 7pm and once an hour between 7pm and 6am.
Between 7pm and 6am when the shuttle bus is not in use it will wait on the east side of the bridge (Gifford Crescent). However, should a passenger need transport during this time from the west side of the bridge they should call the operator on 0117 965 0000 who will then advise the driver accordingly.
Above: Map showing location of shuttle bus stops and route. [View larger version]
Station Road junction closure
Station Road will also need to be closed to all vehicles at its junction with Gipsy Patch Lane from Thursday 5th March for approximately eight months.
A diversion route for vehicles, to reach Station Road via Clay Lane and Little Stoke Lane, will be in operation and will be fully signposted throughout the junction closure.
Pedestrians and cyclists will still be able to access Station Road via Gipsy Patch Lane during the closure.
All businesses on and near Station Road, including Patchway Railway Station and the Sort It Centre, will be open as normal.
Three-way lights at Gifford Crescent junction (issued 06/02/20)
BT will be carrying out further diversion work as part of the Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge replacement on Sunday 9th February.
BT will be trenching and duct laying across Gifford Crescent at its junction with Gipsy Patch Lane. To enable this work three-way temporary traffic lights will be in use. The work is expected to take one day.
Dates and timeframes may be subject to further change.
Overnight closure of Gipsy Patch Lane (issued 23/01/20)
Gipsy Patch Lane will be closed at the railway bridge to all road users between 10pm on Thursday 23rd January and 2am on Friday 24th January (approximately four hours). Access will be maintained to Pegasus Park and Gifford Crescent. Station Road remains closed at its junction with Gipsy Patch Lane.
A two-way signed diversion route will be in place and will take motorists along Bradley Stoke Way and the A38. Network Rail and their contractors Alun Griffiths will provide an on demand shuttle service for any pedestrians or cyclists needing to travel under the railway bridge during this temporary closure.
Station Road junction closure (issued 07/01/20)
The planned closure of the junction of Station Road with Gipsy Patch Lane has been postponed by the contractor and will now take effect from Monday 13th January 2020. The closure will last approximately two weeks.
A diversion route for vehicles, to reach Station Road via Clay Lane and Little Stoke Lane, will be in operation and will be fully signposted throughout the junction closure. Please be aware that access to businesses to the southern end of Station Road will involve travelling under a footbridge with a height restriction of 4.2 metres.
Pedestrians and cyclists will still be able to access Station Road via Gipsy Patch Lane during the closure.
All businesses on and near Station Road, including Patchway Station and the Sort It Centre, will be open as normal.
Station Road junction closure (issued 16/12/19)
To enable Network Rail and their contractors Alun Griffiths to continue with the piling work, the junction of Station Road with Gipsy Patch Lane will be closed to all vehicles for approximately two weeks from Monday 6th January 2020.
Weekend working (issued 11/12/19)
Work, including piling, will be taking place at the railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane this coming weekend, Saturday 14th December and Sunday 15th December, between the hours of 8am and 5pm, says South Gloucestershire Council.
These additional days are to enable Network Rail and their contractors Alun Griffiths to continue work on building the new railway bridge and its foundations.
Update on overnight piling work (issued 22/11/19)
South Gloucestershire Council has announced that overnight piling, originally due to start on 20th November, will now commence on Monday 2nd December.
This first phase of overnight piling work will last for four nights from Monday 2nd December to Thursday 5th December, between 6pm and 3am.
There will be up to 18 nights of piling work, but these will not run consecutively and will be carried out in phases.
A council spokesperson said:
“Noise and vibration will be monitored throughout the work and we will make adjustments if necessary. We are working with Network Rail and their contractors to minimise the disruption and have put in place a number of noise mitigation measures such as sound barriers around the piling equipment.”
“Should you have an urgent enquiry during any of the piling work please call the Network Rail 24-hour helpline number on 03457 114141.”
Overnight piling to start 20th November 2019
South Gloucestershire Council has announced that the first phase of overnight piling work at the Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge site is due to take place for three nights from Wednesday 20th November to Friday 22nd November, between 6pm and 3am, and on Monday 25th November, between 6pm and 3am.
Piling work starting mid-October 2019
The new railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane will weigh approximately 4,500 tonnes with pile foundations to a depth of 25 metres.
Piling is required at the four corners of the new railway bridge.
This project will use two types of piling techniques. Both of these are noisy, however the contractors say they will work to minimise the disturbance and will put in place a number of noise mitigation measures such as sound barriers around the piling equipment and working at daytime wherever possible.
The piling work is due to start the week commencing Monday 14th October and will be carried out over a period of approximately three months. The majority of the piling will take place during the daytime between the hours of 7.30am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. It is not expected that piling will be carried out every day during this time.
Due to the sensitive nature of the work carried out by businesses close to the railway bridge, some of the piling will have to be done overnight or during weekends. It is expected that overnight work will be required from mid-October to early-December for approximately 18 nights. Overnight work will be carried out between the hours of 6pm and 3am.
If weekend work is required this will only take place on Saturday mornings between 8am and 1pm.
Traffic management starting September 2019
To assist the preparation works a number of traffic management measures will be in use over the coming months.
From Monday 2nd September temporary three-way traffic lights will be in operation on Gipsy Patch Lane at the railway bridge. These will be in place for up to two weeks.
After this period automated Stop/Go boards will be used as needed on Gipsy Patch Lane. These will only be used when workers and machinery from the construction site need to safely cross Gipsy Patch Lane, their use will be kept to a minimum and as far as possible will be kept to off-peak times.
All shops and businesses on and near Gipsy Patch Lane will be open as normal.
Update issued 13th September 2019
The three-way temporary traffic lights at the railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane are to remain in place for at least a further week. Contractors are currently installing crossings on Gipsy Patch Lane as part of preparation works for the bridge replacement next year. The extension to the temporary lights is needed to enable additional work to lower a utility cable.
Safety is paramount and given the limited space around the railway bridge the temporary lights help protect workers and members of the public whilst this work is completed.
This additional work will not affect the project’s timetable.
The temporary lights will only operate Monday to Friday during off-peak hours and pedestrians and cyclists will continue to be able to pass under the railway bridge. Cyclists may be asked to dismount.
June 2019 closure
Roadworks are currently taking place on Gipsy Patch Lane in preparation for the man construction work, which is expected to start later this year. The current work is being undertaken by BT to divert underground utilities.
The next phase of BT’s preparatory work will require Gipsy Patch Lane to be closed to all vehicles at the railway bridge for approximately four weeks during June. A route under the bridge will be maintained for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists during the closure.*
A signed diversion route will be in place during this time. Access to properties and side roads along Gipsy Patch Lane will be maintained and no disruption to the supply of utilities is expected. Businesses and shops along and near Gipsy Patch Lane will be open as normal.
Dates of the full closure and diversion routes will be clearly signposted.
* The council previously stated that the road would be “closed to all highway users, including pedestrians and cyclists”.
Major traffic congestion reports on Facebook
- Thursday 5th March 2020
- Tuesday 25th June 2019
- Wednesday 19th June 2019
- Tuesday 11th June 2019 (also major incident at M4 J19)
- Tuesday 4th June 2019
See also: Post-event feedback on the four-week closure (BSJ Facebook)
Update (24th May 2019): Start date of Monday 3rd June confirmed
A South Gloucestershire Council spokesperson said: “BT’s works are on track for the road closure to begin on Monday 3rd June. Advance warning signs featuring the start date were placed at appropriate locations on the local road network on 20th and 21st May.”
Update (27th June 2019): Reopening date confirmed as Monday 1st July
A South Gloucestershire Council spokesperson said: “We are pleased to confirm that Gipsy Patch Lane will reopen as planned before the morning peak period on Monday 1st July. Although [BT] Openreach has completed a lot of the planned work, unfortunately, due to unexpected ground conditions and locations of other live utility pipes and cables, Openreach has not completed it all. The remaining work to lower some of the ducts and cables will now be carried out during the main Cribbs Patchway MetroBus Extension construction programme in 2020. This will avoid the need to extend the current closure beyond 1st July.”
“We would like to thank residents, businesses and all road users for their patience during this time and apologise for the inconvenience caused.”
Update (28th June 2019): Road reopened at around 5pm
A reader reported at 5pm that Gipsy Patch Lane had been reopened at the railway bridge.
Above: Diversion route for the June 2019 closure [click to enlarge].
Site compound near the railway bridge
Above: Overview of the site compound area that is currently (August 2019) being set out on part of the Horizon 38 development. The railway bridge is in the lower left corner of the image. Source: Presentation made by Griffiths in July 2019.
Public drop-in information sessions
August 2021
The CPME project team will be in the car park of the Stokers Pub between 3pm and 7pm on Wednesday 4th August to answer questions you may have on the Gipsy Patch Lane one-way system, which is planned to start in September.
The information panels from the drop-in event are now available to view here.
January 2020
To help keep you informed and to explain more about CPME and other highway improvement works taking place in the area this year, South Gloucestershire Council is holding a series of public drop-in events:
- Wednesday 22nd January, 4pm to 7pm, at Little Stoke Primary School, Little Stoke Lane, Little Stoke BS34 6HY
- Saturday 25th January, 11.30am to 2.30pm, at Little Stoke Community Hall, Little Stoke Lane, Little Stoke BS34 6HR
- Monday 27th January, 4pm to 7pm, at the St Michael’s Centre, North Road, Stoke Gifford BS34 8PD
- Thursday 30th January, 4pm to 7pm, at Baileys Court Activity Centre, Baileys Court Road, Bradley Stoke BS32 8BH
Officers from the council will be available to answer your questions, along with representatives from Network Rail and Alun Griffiths who are involved with the CPME project. Everyone is welcome to attend, there is no need to book. Please note these are drop-in sessions and you can attend at any time during the session.
On Saturday 25th January members of the TravelWest team will also be on hand at the Little Stoke Community Hall event offering advice on alternative, active and sustainable travel options. They will also be able to help with journey planning.
October 2019
South Gloucestershire Council is hosting a drop-in session at Little Stoke Primary School, Little Stoke Lane, Little Stoke, on Tuesday 8th October between 4pm and 7pm for people who have any questions regarding the upcoming piling work (see above). At the event members of the project team, including representatives from Network Rail and Alun Griffiths (Contractors), will be available to speak to.
May 2019
To help keep you informed and to explain more about the CPME works, South Gloucestershire Council is holding a series of public drop-in events during May 2019:
- Wednesday 8th May, 5pm-7pm, at Little Stoke Primary School, Little Stoke BS34 6HY
- Monday 13th May, 3pm-6pm, at Patchway Community Centre, Rodway Road, Patchway BS34 5PF
- Tuesday 14th May, 3pm-5pm, at Baileys Court Activity Centre, Baileys Court Road, Bradley Stoke BS32 8BH
- Monday 20th May, 3.30pm-6.30pm, at Little Stoke Community Hall, Little Stoke Lane, Little Stoke BS34 6HR
- Tuesday 21st May, 4pm-7pm, at The St Michael’s Centre, The Green, Stoke Gifford BS34 8PD
- Wednesday 22nd May, 3pm-6pm, at BAWA Centre, 589 Southmead Rd BS34 7RG
Overview of main work on Gipsy Patch Lane
From documents published as part of the planning application.
Click the above image to enlarge it in a pop-up window.
Outline programme schedule
Above: CPME construction programme (as of Oct 2019). [Click to enlarge]
- Spring 2014 – Site surveys and preliminary design work
- Autumn/winter 2015 – Public consultation
- Winter/spring 2016 – Consultation analysis
- Summer 2016 to Summer 2017 – Detailed design
- February 2018 – Planning applications submitted
- July 2018 – Planning applications approved
- February 2019 – Utility works on Gipsy Patch Lane
- June 2019 – Four week closure of Gipsy Patch Lane for utility diversions
- June 2019 – the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and the West of England Joint Committee approved more than £56m investment for the Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension
To be completed
- Summer 2019 – Preliminary works start on Gipsy Patch Lane
- Spring 2020 – Gipsy Patch Lane closure for bridge construction (approximately 8 months)
- Autumn 2020 – Works on Gipsy Patch Lane (east of the bridge)
- Winter 2020 – Gipsy Patch Lane reopens
- Early 2021 – Works on Gipsy Patch Lane (west of the bridge)
- 2022 – Construction complete
The full business case approved by the West of England Combined Authority on 14th June 2019 states:
“Construction start is planned in July 2019 with completion expected in April 2022.”
A log of how the above dates have changed with time may be viewed on the Journal’s main CPME webpage.
Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge replacement video
Video by Network Rail’s bridge work sub-contractors Alun Grifiths (Contractors) Ltd showing how the replacement railway bridge will be constructed and moved into position: Gipsy Patch Lane Bridge Replacement
Similar project previously carried out by Griffiths: Battenhall Bridge timelapse video
Railway closure
The currently planned date for the closure of the railway, to allow the existing bridge to be demolished and the new bridge installed is:
Saturday 11th April 2020 to Sunday 19th April 2020
Trains between London Paddington and South Wales will be diverted between Swindon and Newport, extending normal journey times by around 45 minutes.
Trains between Taunton and Cardiff Central will terminate at Bristol Temple Meads.
Trains between Portsmouth Harbour and Cardiff Central will terminate at Bristol Parkway instead.
Buses will replace trains between Bristol Parkway and Newport.
Train services will also be affected on the following weekends:
- Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd May
Source: Planned engineering (GWR)
Click the above image to visit the Stoke Gifford Journal’s Gipsy Patch Lane Railway Bridge Replacement album on Google Photos, which contains scores of images covering the duration of the project to date.
See also:
- 2019-06-24 Gipsy Patch Lane Roadworks (on Facebook)
- 2019-06-13 Gipsy Patch Lane Roadworks (on Facebook)
Time lapse videos
Time lapse videos recorded by Alun Griffiths (Contractors):
- Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension – Time lapse 1 (Station Road camera)
- Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension – Time lapse 2 (Site compound camera)
Gipsy Patch Lane travel survey
South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) is currently considering options to manage traffic during the main Cribbs Patchway MetroBus Extension construction work on Gipsy Patch Lane which is due to start later in 2019. To this end, it is conducting an online travel survey to better understand travel patterns on Gipsy Patch Lane.
The council is asking everyone who travels along this road regularly to complete the survey. It should take about five minutes to complete.
The survey can be found at www.southglos.gov.uk/GPLsurvey and it is open until Wednesday 20th March 2019.
Progress reports
Updates on the SGC Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension – CPME Facebook page:
Log of changes made to SGC’s CPME information page
16th June 2020
Announcement that “following feedback from members of the public” changes have been made to the footpath under the railway bridge “to encourage cyclists to dismount and to deter them from cycling through”. New staggered barriers and additional signs have been put up at the points at which the footpath narrows.
16th December 2019
Announcement that the junction of Station Road with Gipsy Patch Lane will be closed to all vehicles for approximately two weeks from Monday 6th January, to enable Network Rail and their contractors Alun Griffiths to continue with the piling work.
11th December 2019
Announcement that work, including piling, will be taking place at the railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane on Saturday 14th December and Sunday 15th December, between the hours of 8am and 5pm.
26th November 2019
Announcement that the start of overnight piling at the railway bridge has been delayed to Monday 2nd December. (It was originally due to start on 20th November.)
24th October 2019
Gantt chart image ‘CPME construction programme October 2019’ added to project timetable section. Entry ‘Autumn 2020 Works on Gipsy Patch Lane (east of the bridge)’ added to project timetable section.
11th October 2019
Announcement that three-way traffic lights will be in place at the railway bridge for up to two weeks from Monday 14th October in order to allow Wales & West Utilities to divert a gas main.
10th October 2019
Network Rail helpline telephone number added – for use during piling works.
30th September 2019
Announcement that piling work at the railway bridge site is due to start week commencing Monday 14th October. It will be carried out over a period of approximately three months. During the piling work, automated stop/go boards will be used as needed on Gipsy Patch Lane, but only when workers and machinery need to safely cross the road. A drop-in information session has been arranged for Tuesday 8th October.
23rd September
Announcement that the temporary traffic lights at the railway bridge “have now been removed”, adding that: “Work will continue in the area in preparation for the railway bridge replacement next year and this will include the occasional use of Stop/Go signs.”
13th September 2019
Announcement that the three-way traffic light at the railway bridge will “remain in place for at least a further week”. Reason given: “To enable additional work to lower a utility cable.”
27th August 2019
Announcement that three-way traffic lights will be in operation at the railway bridge “for up to two weeks” from Monday 2nd September.
15th August 2019
Webpage restyled. Information about traffic management in September 2019 added.
27th June 2019
Addition of statement that Gipsy Patch Lane will “reopen as planned before the morning peak period on Monday 1st July”.
29th May 2019
Specific start date of Monday 3rd June reinstated for June full closure.
20th May 2019
Link to a video about the replacement of the railway bridge added (as played at the drop-in sessions during May 2019).
9th May 2019
In relation to the June 2019 road closure: “Gipsy Patch Lane [will be] closed to all highway users, including pedestrians and cyclists, at the railway bridge” changed to “A route under the bridge will be maintained for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists during the closure”.
23rd April 2019
Addition of “businesses will be open” as usual to June 2019 section.
Specific start date for June full closure of Monday 3rd June deleted.
22nd April 2019
Details of public drop-in information sessions during May added.
25th March 2019
Details of Gipsy Patch Lane travel survey (closed on 20th March) deleted.
Project newsletters
Archive of e-newsletters published by SGC:
19th February 2020
Gipsy Patch Lane closure
10th January 2020
Public drop-in events
6th November 2019
Update on overnight piling work on Gipsy Patch Lane
11th October 2019
Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension – Traffic management update
30th September 2019
Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension – Piling works
13th September 2019
Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension – Traffic management update
16th August 2019
Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension update – Gipsy Patch Lane preparation works
29th May 2019
Gipsy Patch Lane to close for 4 weeks on Monday 3 June
18th April 2019
Roadworks on Gipsy Patch Lane and public drop-in events
Sign up here to receive e-newsletters.
Recent MetroBus Extension build stories in the Journal
- Station Road reopening delayed for the fourth time in four months
- Reopening of Station Road junction delayed AGAIN – until 24th February
- Station Road closure extended as railway bridge embankment work overruns
- Station Road set to close for one month for bridge and embankment works
- “Final” two-week full closure of Gipsy Patch Lane to start Friday 22nd July
- Further closures of Gipsy Patch Lane in June & July
- Gipsy Patch Lane reopened both ways … What next?
- Gipsy Patch Lane now fully open in both directions
- Two-way traffic to return along full length of Gipsy Patch Lane in late April
- Station Road and Gifford Crescent junctions set to reopen from Monday
- Overnight surfacing work at Gipsy Patch Lane bridge
- Gipsy Patch Lane full closure on Sunday 5th December
- Two-way traffic returns to part of Gipsy Patch Lane
- Gipsy Patch Lane full reopening brought forward by 3 months!
- Relief as Gipsy Patch bridge route reopens to traffic
- Gipsy Patch Lane to reopen one-way (westbound only) from Monday
- Scope of Gipsy Patch Lane road closure to be temporarily extended
- Road under Gipsy Patch Lane bridge to be tarmacked from Tuesday
- Council confirms one-way reopening of Gipsy Patch Lane “in September”
- Road closure blocks direct access to Little Stoke shops from Gipsy Patch Lane
- Gifford Crescent to Gipsy Patch link due to be closed from Monday (5th July)
- Gipsy Patch Lane: Highway works intensify east of railway bridge
- Bridge reopening further delayed and one-way system announced
- Bridge reopening could be further delayed as drainage pumps deemed inadequate
- MetroBus: Eight-week closure of Gipsy Patch Lane westbound starts Monday
- Gipsy Patch Lane mega-bridge move runs into trouble on soft ground
- Critical phase of railway bridge replacement project about to start
- Trenches dug to inform replacement tree planting programme
- New railway bridge set to be installed this month
- Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge footpath to be closed on Monday
- Gipsy Patch Lane roadworks to last another TWO YEARS
- Three months of temporary traffic lights coming to Hatchet Road for MetroBus work
- Rail bridge installation delayed until autumn
- Pedestrian and cyclist route reopened under Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge
- Coronavirus crisis: Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge replacement postponed
- Gipsy Patch Lane: 8-month full road closure set to start on Thursday
- Bridge replacement still on track for Easter despite piling delays
- “Unforeseen ground conditions” lead to need for more overnight piling work at railway bridge
- Station Road closed for two weeks from Monday (13th January)
- Replacement railway bridge takes shape as road closures loom
- Overnight piling work at Gipsy Patch Lane bridge delayed to 2nd December
- Gipsy Patch railway bridge works step up a gear
- Peak hours temporary traffic lights on Gipsy Patch Lane from Monday
- Latest on Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge works
- Temporary traffic lights coming to Gipsy Patch Lane as bridge works begin in earnest
- Reflections on the Gipsy Patch Lane closure
- Gipsy Patch Lane railway bridge closure set to create traffic hell
- Council confirms four-week closure of Gipsy Patch Lane from Monday (3rd June)
- Bridge closure diversion details to be revealed at public drop-in sessions
- Cameras used to aid bridge diversion planning
- Last chance to complete Gipsy Patch Lane travel survey ahead of MetroBus works
- Council confirms four-week closure of Gipsy Patch Lane THIS JUNE
MetroBus Extension Build stories in other media
MetroBus work ‘will cost our jobs’ warn businesses hit by road closures
10th July 2019 | Bristol Post
Work to install a new MetroBus route across north Bristol looks set to cost people their jobs because of the roadworks affecting business…
Gipsy Patch Lane closure led to 40% drop for tyre business
9th July 2019 | BBC Bristol
A business next to a road that was closed to start work for a MetroBus extension said takings dropped 40% during the work…