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Stoke Gifford By-Pass

⚠ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

Planning permission for the The Stoke Gifford By-Pass, officially known as the Stoke Gifford Transport Link (SGTL), was granted in September 2013.

Work on the £14 million scheme began in summer 2015, with completion expected in 2017 (the projected opening date is currently September 2017).

Stoke Gifford Transport Link (Stoke Gifford By-Pass).

Click on image to enlarge. Please note that this diagram is from an early consultation document and may not accurately represent the approved plans (see below).

The new by-pass will be used by the North Fringe to Hengrove Package bus rapid transit scheme, part of the planned MetroBus network.

The Stoke Gifford By-Pass was officially opened on Monday 18th December 2018 and is now known as “Rosedown Avenue” (although some council departments seem to be calling it “Rosedown Drive”).

Petition to increase 30mph speed limit

We, the undersigned, petition the Council to Raise the speed limit on the Stoke Gifford bypass.

“The Stoke Gifford bypass appears to have a speed limit that quite drastically does not match the engineering standard of the road…”

Read more: Petition launched to increase Stoke Gifford By-Pass speed limit (SGJ)


Alun Griffiths, MetroBus contractors in The Stokes, north Bristol.

Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd have been awarded the contracts for the Stoke Gifford Transport Link (SGTL) and works at Bradley Stoke Way and Coldharbour/Stoke Lane.

Alun Griffiths have written to residents affected by the works. The letters provide contact details for their Community Liaison Officer, who will answer queries relating to the construction works.

Alun Griffiths have set up a phone number for anyone with questions about the construction works. The number is manned between 8am and 6pm Monday to Saturday. Outside these hours, please leave a message and your call will be returned. The number is: 0845 86 22 327.

For more information, visit the contractor’s community website for the North Fringe to Hengrove Package MetroBus project.

To send a compliment, query or complaint, visit the Contact the Site page.

Read more: Introducing the contractor for MetroBus work in The Stokes (Bradley Stoke Journal)

Photo: Construction of the by-pass under way near the Parkway North Roundabout.


18th December 2017
By-pass opened to general traffic

30th May 2017
Closure of a section of Hambrook Lane for an estimated four days

6th February 2017
Closure of a section of Hambrook Lane for an estimated two weeks

1st August 2016
Hambrook Lane reopened

28th/29th May 2016
New railway bridge lifted into position near Curtis Lane

2nd September 2015
Closure of a section of Hambrook Lane for an estimated 38 weeks

Advance warnings

From Wednesday 8th November 2017 there will be off-peak lane closures on the A4174 Ring Road at the junction with the Stoke Gifford Transport Link for the installation of traffic lights.

Hambrook Lane will be closed to all traffic from the morning of Tuesday 30th May 2017 for four days until the afternoon of Friday 2nd June 2017, to install lighting columns, high friction surface, traffic signal loops and road marking.

Oxleigh Way (Crest Nicholson / Highbrook Park) will have traffic management with stop-go boards from Monday 5th June 2017 until Wednesday 7th June 2017, for high friction surface, traffic signal loops and road marking.

Progress reports

November 2017 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, December 2017)

Alun Griffiths are continuing their work to lay the road surface over the Ham Brook bridge, with the task due to for completion in early December. Landscaping along all sections of the by-pass is being carried out concurrently and is due to be completed by Christmas.

Western Power Distribution has now installed metered supplies for the traffic signals at the Hambrook Lane and A4174 junctions, allowing South Gloucestershire Council’s signals team to commence installation of the signals along with the associated induction loops in the road.

In the vicinity of the new bridge over the main railway line, near Kings Drive, Bristol Water’s work to install two lengths of pipework through ducts in the bridge platform and connect these into the existing main is due for completion in early December.

The Journal understands that South Gloucestershire Council is aiming to open the by-pass shortly before Christmas, provided there are no unforeseen issues with the tasks that still need to be completed.

October 2017 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, November 2017)

Whilst the new road may appear more or less completed when viewed from either end (Parkway North Roundabout and the A4174 Ring Road), a MetroBus spokesperson has told the Journal that a number of significant tasks remain to be completed before the it can be opened.

The bridge over Ham Brook was completed during the third week in October and Alun Griffiths has started to lay the road surface over the bridge and tie it in with the rest of the road that they have built. Once this has been completed, final landscaping will take place.

In the coming weeks, Western Power Distribution will undertake work to provide metered power supplies to work the traffic signals at the Hambrook Lane and A4174 junctions, South Gloucestershire Council’s signals team will then install the signals along with the induction loops in the road that alert the signals to oncoming traffic.

In the vicinity of the new bridge over the main railway line, near Kings Drive, Bristol Water need to install two lengths of pipework through ducts in the bridge platform and connect these into the existing main on Curtis Lane.

Once all the above tasks are completed, the road will undergo a safety audit. Subject to passing the audit, the road will be then be opened to general traffic. This is now likely to be in “late December or early January”.

September 2017 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, October 2017)

The carriageway is now 100 percent surfaced and footways 95 percent complete throughout the scheme. Final signage, landscaping, fencing and finishing works are ongoing, with a target completion for early October. Further landscaping will then be undertaken due to seasonal restrictions for planting.

Network Rail has been using the by-pass to access their new bridge in and around the Curtis Lane area. Works were carried out 24/7 on the railway line for a two-week period in September.

The bridge being constructed over the Ham Brook is the responsibility of another contractor and is currently ‘off limits’ to the Alun Griffiths team.

We need to undertake further works around the above bridge to complete the by-pass, which will take us to December 2017.

June 2017 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, July 2017)

Earthmoving has now commenced in this final location to bring the landscaped areas to the final design profile. Once complete, fencing and finishing to the footways, etc. will swiftly follow. The final surfacing of the carriageway will commence in late July into early August.

Works either side of the Ham Brook Bridge that are dependent on a third-party contractor (Dawnus Construction) not under the control of Griffiths have started later than planned due to late handover of the area. We have installed the drainage, kerbing and footways to this area and removed the surplus unsuitable material. The area has now been surfaced with the exception of the final surface course to be laid in late July and early August. Landscaping and fencing is continuing

Throughout the length of the new link road, we are removing excess spoil and distributing topsoil to landscaping areas, however these operations are weather dependant.

Surfacing works to the various islands on the A4174 Ring Road have taken place, although some anti-skid works remain within the coned-off areas.

Final surfacing to Oxleigh Way (Crest Nicholson / Highbrook Park) will take place at the end of July and early August.

Traffic signals installation at the junction of the Stoke Gifford By-Pass and the A4174 Ring Road will be undertaken by South Gloucestershire Council in August and September.

May 2017 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, June 2016)

Works to place the lower carriageway surfacing layers from Parkway North roundabout up to the Network Rail Bridge have been completed within the period. The surface course has been added on the roundabout in addition to completing and the drainage works. The final surface course to the new link road will not be undertaken until all verge works are complete and will be one of the final operations.

Works either side of the Ham Brook Bridge that are dependent on a third-party contractor (Dawnus Construction) not under the control of Griffiths have started later than planned due to late handover of the area by the third-party contractor. However, Griffiths have worked promptly after handover of the approaches to complete drainage and earthworks ready for the lower layers of carriageway surfacing to be placed in early June.

Throughout the length of the new link road we are removing excess spoil and distributing topsoil to landscaping areas. These operations, however, are weather dependent. Concurrently with this, our landscapers will complete the planting and seeding to landscape areas.

The final surfacing and road markings throughout the project have been completed to Oxleigh Way from the A4174. Remaining areas of surfacing and road markings will take place during July and August. However we are yet to be advised by the third-party contractor when they will hand over the Ham Brook Bridge to complete the surface course and complete the link road ready for handover to South Gloucestershire Council. When this date is known, we shall update the Journal.

Oxleigh Way (Crest Nicholson / Highbrook Park) will have traffic management with stop-go boards from Monday 5th June until Wednesday 7th June to install high friction surface, traffic signal loops and road marking.

April 2017 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, May 2017)

All drainage work has been completed from Patchway North Roundabout to the new Network Rail bridge. Adding road base, binder and surface course from the Parkway North Roundabout entrance to the Network Rail Bridge will be undertaken during May .

The surface course has been laid along 50 percent of the scheme, along with road markings.

Filling works to form the new road approach to the new Ham Brook Bridge from the north and south sides is now complete up to the capping layer. Drainage and kerbing work will take place during May up to the Ham Brook Bridge.

We continue to shape the verges and work has commenced and is ongoing on the sound attenuation bund protecting the housing between the Network Rail Bridge and Great Stoke Way. Topsoil and spoil heap is currently being removed and compound materials removed. A two-metre-high acoustic fence will be erected in June/July along this route.

Final surface course and road marking will now be taking place in early May, from the A4174 up to the Oxleigh Way junction and from the north of the new Ham Brook Bridge up to Hambrook Lane.

Ham Brook Bridge and the approaches approximately 300m either side will be surfaced along with all associated works once it has been handed over to Alun Griffiths from the bridge contractor; this is expected to happen during May.

A series of short duration closures of Hambrook Lane will be required for final surfacing and anti-skid, lasting no longer than five days over a few weeks in May and June.

March 2017 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, April 2017)

The work in this area is shared across three contractors, with Griffiths having responsibility for the roadworks. There are two bridges, one has been handed to Griffiths some months ago by Network Rail and good progress has been made with the road here. The other bridge (over the Ham Brook) is still in possession of the remaining contractor and Griffiths await access to complete the roadwork.

We anticipate that all drainage work will be completed during April and May, as well as laying the road base, binder and surface course from Parkway North Roundabout along to the Network Rail bridge and down to the Hambrook Lane junction.

Work will commence moving fill materials in readiness for filling the ground level on the approach to Ham Brook Bridge from the north and south side to make progress in laying of the road over it. Earthwork will continue to shape the verges and work has commenced and is ongoing on the sound attenuation bund protecting the housing that borders the stretch between the Network Rail bridge and Great Stoke Way. This will later be topped with a two-metre-high acoustic fence.

Final surface course and road markings will be taking place in early April, from the A4174 up to the Oxleigh Way junction and from the north of the new Ham Brook bridge up to Hambrook Lane.

The Ham Brook bridge and the approaches approximately 300m long on either side of it will be surfaced, along with all associated works, once it has been handed over to Alun Griffiths.

A series of short duration closures of Hambrook Lane will be required for final surfacing and anti-skid treatment. These will last for a total of no longer than five days over a few weeks in May and June.

February 2017 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, March 2017)

The work in this area is shared between three contractors, with Griffiths having responsibility for the roadworks. There are two bridges; one was handed to Griffiths some months ago by Network Rail and good progress has been made with the road here. The other bridge (over the Ham Brook) is still in possession of the remaining contractor and Griffiths await access to complete the roadworks. Griffiths works are well on programme and we are currently forming the new access off Parkway North Roundabout.

Hambrook Lane reopened a week earlier than advertised following lane widening and kerbing. A further (and final) one-week closure will be required in May/June for resurfacing and road marking. Works along the A4174 Ring Road are 95 percent complete awaiting final surfacing at the tie-in and within the central reserve island.

January 2017 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, February 2017)

Hambrook Lane will be closed initially for two weeks from Monday 6th February to allow the construction of access tracks and the widening of the lane itself. A final closure for one week will be advertised in due course once surfacing dates have been agreed.

The section from Parkway North Roundabout to the Network Rail bridge is now fully under way. We are taking advantage of the dry weather to press on with the drainage operations. Earthworks will recommence in February.

The carriageway from the Network Rail bridge to the A4174 is now largely complete with landscaping and planting works well advanced.

The Ham Brook Bridge section, being constructed by a separate contractor, has not yet been handed over to Griffiths, which has prevented us from making progress with the road at this point.

At the A4174 junction, second phase works (including kerbing, traffic signal works and surfacing) will continue throughout February.

December 2016 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, January 2017)

A4174 – for a period estimated as four weeks, from early January to early February, we shall be starting on the second phase of signalisation work on the east and westbound carriageways of the junction of the link road with the A4174. This will involve lane closures in both directions but only for evening work outside of peak hours (from 6pm to 1am at the latest). Lighting towers will be erected and, each night, a short section of road will be worked on.

Hambrook Lane will be closed from early February for three weeks to conduct second phase works for construction of farmer’s access and lane widening. Advanced notice signage will be in place and diversions signposted (plans are also available online).

From Parkway North Roundabout to the new railway bridge – Thanks to unseasonably fine weather we have made excellent progress on the road construction in this area. Progress will continue with the hope of tarmacking the area in the spring.

July 2016 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, August 2016)

Hambrook Lane in Stoke Gifford will reopen on 1st August. This coincides with an order extending the 30mph area by a further 200 metres south-east of the existing 30mph signs near the junction with Curtis Lane. This is to reflect the new and future changing nature of the road in conjunction with the Stoke Gifford Transport Link for MetroBus being built.

The road has been closed since August 2015 to allow MetroBus to construct two new bridges, a new junction and a pedestrian and cycle path for the forthcoming Stoke Gifford Transport Link.

The narrow road was closed for nearly a year because it isn’t wide enough to accommodate construction works and traffic. Access for residents was maintained throughout the construction period.

The reopening of the road will alleviate congestion for motorists in the north of the city.

Work continues on the A4174 bus and 2+ lane closure westbound from J1 M32 and central reservation work. Traffic Management and barriers will then be installed on the westbound Lane 1, to allow works to commence on Tuesday 26th July until the end of August. Once this is complete, operations on the A4174 will be suspended until the Traffic Signals are commissioned in the winter.

June 2016 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, July 2016)

Jim Aitken of Alun Griffiths Ltd reports on the progress being made on the SGTL (known locally as the Stoke Gifford By-Pass):

Bristol Water have completed their work in the area of Hambrook Lane and it is now on programme to be reopened in July.

Works are ongoing to commence on tie-in with the SGTL on A4174. Initially we have closed the 2+ bus lane eastbound from Cold Harbour Junction toward the M32 Junction 1 to enable the new road construction, for approximately eight weeks.

Once completed, we shall then install traffic management on the west bound section of the A4174 from M32 Junction 1 to Cold Harbour Lane to complete the second side, again closing the 2+ lane and then moving into the central reserve area for approximately six weeks.

We hope to remove all traffic management on the A4174 by 16th September, having completed the work in hand.

Surfacing within main SGTL site is 60 percent complete, awaiting bridges to be handed over by Network Rail to enable earthworks to recommence.

Griffiths are soon to commence footways and traffic signal junctions at A4174 Maules Lane and Hambrook.

February 2016 (Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, March 2016)

  • Diversion of high pressure water main at A4174 to enable the construction of the new road junction at this location.
  • Installation of ground water attenuation blankets at Ham Brook to allow the construction of the Ham Brook bridge.
  • Testing/removal of contaminated material from Tudor Lodge, prior to excavation of a cutting to the new Network Rail bridge, which is planned to be installed in “early summer”.
  • Installation of a crane pad for construction of the new Network Rail bridge.
  • Diversion of a high-voltage Western Power cable to facilitate the tie-in of the new carriageway to Parkway North roundabout.
  • Establishment of a material storage area on (part of) Network Rail overspill car park, to alleviate traffic congestion on Parkway North roundabout.

More information and related links

Planning Applications (South Gloucestershire Council)

PT13/1529/R3F – Received 8th May 2013; Approved 24th Oct 2013

Construction of new road link (Stoke Gifford Transport Link), incorporating single carriageway highway, (with additional bus lanes where appropriate) footways and cycle ways. Construction of bridge over the South Wales – London railway line and construction of new bridge over the Ham Brook. Associated works and landscaping. | 15.85 Hectares Of Land Between Parkway North Roundabout At The Southern End Of Great Stoke Way And The A4174 Avon Ring Road To The North East Of UWE.

PT14/0600/R3F – Received 18th Feb 2014; Approved 23rd May 2014

Construction of new road link (Stoke Gifford Transport Link), incorporating single carriageway highway, (with additional bus lanes where appropriate) footways and cycle ways. Construction of bridge over the South Wales – London railway line and construction of new bridge over the Ham Brook. Associated works and landscaping. (Amendment to previously approved scheme PT13/1529/R3F including revisions to the vertical and horizontal alignment of the road of no more than 1.5m, revisions to Harry Stoke junction and Hambrook lane junction.) | 15.85 Hectares Of Land Between Parkway North Roundabout At The Southern End Of Great Stoke Way And The A4174 Avon Ring Road To The North East Of UWE.

Traffic Orders (South Gloucestershire Council)

Stoke Gifford By-Pass Stories in The Journal

Location Plan

Location plan of the Stoke Gifford Transport Link (SGTL).

Click the image above to view the location plan at full size.

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