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East of Harry Stoke

⚠ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

Photo of councillors and officials at the recent site inspection meeting for the Crest 'south' planning application.

South Gloucestershire Council’s Core Strategy, a planning blueprint for the period to 2026, includes a new neighbourhood called ‘East of Harry Stoke’, where 2,000 homes are planned to be built.

The area, which is currently designated as Green Belt, is bounded by the Winterbourne Road to the north, the M4 and M32 to the east, the Avon Ring Road (A4174) to the south and the existing settlement of Stoke Gifford (plus the planned new Harry Stoke development) to the west.

New homes at East of Harry Stoke

Highbrook View

Marketing name for development of 144 homes south of the railway relating to planning application P20/17975/RM (see below).

Developer webpages:

Mulgrove Farm Village

Marketing name for development of 327 homes north of the railway relating to planning application PT16/4928/O (see below).

Developer webpages:

Roseneath Gardens

Marketing name for development of 80 homes on land off Hambrook Lane (near Curtis Lane) relating to planning application PT16/6182/F (see below).

Developer webpages:


Planning Applications

Note: Within each section, applications are presented in reverse chronological order.

North of the railway

P22/07094/RM Received 20th December 2022
Land north of the railway (Mulgrove Farm Village, Phase 2)

Applicant: Wain Homes (Severn Valley)

Erection of 154 no. dwelling with highways, drainage and associated works with appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale to be determined

P20/03681/F Received 27th February 2020
Approved and S106 signed 18th June 2021
Land north of the railway (Mulgrove Farm Village, Phase 1)

Applicant: Wainhomes (Severn Valley) Limited

Erection of 150 no. dwellings, associated landscaping, infrastructure and vehicular access (drainage, strategic open space and associated play areas remain unaltered from approved application PT16/4928/O)

PT16/4928/O Received 26th August 2016;
Approved 29th November 2018 (subject to signing of S106 agreement)
S106 agreement signed 30th October 2019
Land north of the railway.

Applicant: Crest Nicholson Operations Ltd

Hybrid planning application:

  • Full permission sought for 150 new homes
  • Outline permission sought for 177 new homes, primary school and nursery

29/11/18: Strategic Sites Delivery Committee [minutes]


South of the railway

P23/03534/F Received 22nd December 2023
Land To The North And East Of Highbrook View – Parcel 2

Applicant: Crest Nicholson Operations Ltd

Erection of 10 no. dwellings, with landscaping, access, parking and other associated works.

P22/01501/RM Received 4th March 2022
Approved 24th October 2023
Land south of the railway; Phases 2.1, 2.2a & 2.2b

Applicant: Crest Nicholson (South West) Ltd

Erection of 143 no. dwellings with new highways, parking, garaging, and other associated works with appearance, layout, scale, and landscaping to be approved.

P21/05128/F Received 26th July 2021
The Hoodlands (off Hambrook Lane)
Refused 29th April 2021

Applicant: Hoodlands (Harry Stoke) Ltd [majority-owned by BoKlok Housing Limited]

Demolition of existing buildings. Erection of 50 no. dwellings, creation of public open space, access, landscaping works and associated works.

P20/17975/RM Received 21st September 2020
Approved 22nd September 2021
Land south of the railway; Phase 1 ‘Lower Hambrook’ (now known as ‘Highbrook View’)

Applicant: Crest Nicholson (South West) Ltd

Erection of 144 no. dwellings with new highways, parking, garaging, green infrastructure (including play areas) and other associated infrastructure with appearance, layout, scale and landscaping to be approved.

P20/13948/RM Received 5th August 2020
Approved 5th February 2021

Applicant: Crest Strategic Projects Ltd

Creation of strategic infrastructure including access, highways, drainage and landscaping (Phases 1 and 2).

PT16/4782/O Received 17th August 2016;
Approved 4th October 2018; S106 agreement signed 2nd March 2020
Land south of the railway.

Applicant: Crest Nicholson Operations Ltd

Outline permission sought for a mixed use development including 1,290 new homes, a local centre, community facilities, landscaping and open space, and detailed access junctions.

04/10/18: Development Control (West) Committee


Miscellaneous sites

PT17/5873/O Received 19th December 2017;
Approved 5th October 2020 (subject to signing of S106 agreement)
S106 agreement signed 3rd November 2020
Land Off Old Gloucester Road, Old Gloucester Road, Hambrook (a.k.a. the “Crocker site”)

Applicant: Castel Ltd

Erection of up to 158 no. dwellings together with associated infrastructure and engineering works (outline) with access to be determined. All other matters reserved.

PT16/6182/F Received 9th November 2016;
Approved 12th July 2018 (subject to signing of S106 agreement)
Land At Hambrook Lane / Curtis Lane, Stoke Gifford.

Applicant: Keepmoat Regeneration Ltd and William Sutton Developments Ltd.

Demolition of single dwelling unit (Roseneath) and erection of 80 no. dwellings with access, parking, public open space and associated works.

12/07/18: Development Control (West) Committee [minutes]


Documents and Plans

Illustrative Diagram

Framework diagram of the East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood.

Framework diagram of the East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood (click to enlarge). Legend:

  • Pink: East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood
  • Yellow: Harry Stoke new neighbourhood
  • Green hatched: Green infrastructure
  • Red/black line: Route of the proposed Stoke Gifford Transport Link (Stoke Gifford bypass)

A more detailed plan was published as part of the public consultation on the East of Harry Stoke Neighbourhood Draft Supplementary Planning Document in November 2012:

East of Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood Framework Diagram (November 2012).

Click image to view full size as a PDF document [1.6Mb] hosted on the SGC website.

Public Consultations

Public Consultation on the East of Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Consultation open: 11th Dec 2015 to 22nd Jan 2016
The Council is undertaking further public consultation on a revised draft supplementary planning document.

Mulgrove Farm, Hambrook – Consultation on the future of the property
Consultation open: 29th May 2015 to 3rd Jul 2015

Pre-application consultation for the Strategic Masterplan for East of Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood
Consultation open: 16th Mar 2015 to 11th Apr 2015
The Council will be collating responses from the public and from statutory consultees and will forward these to Crest Strategic for their consideration in preparing a revised master plan and any planning application. It is the intention of the Council to endorse the final master plan for East of Harry Stoke to assist in guiding future development and as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications for the site.

Public Consultation on the Pre-Adoption Draft of the East of Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Consultation open: 16th Jun 2014 to 28th Jul 2014
Comments received will be considered by the Council in deciding whether to adopt the SPD, with or without further amendment. That decision is expected to be made in September 2014. Once adopted, the SPD will set out the principles and objectives for the area that the Council will use in determining any planning applications for the New Neighbourhood, and will identify the infrastructure required to support the needs of the new communities living there.

Public Consultation on the East of Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Consultation open: 26th Nov 2012 to 1st Feb 2013
Comments received will inform the production of the final Supplementary Planning Document for the East of Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood, which is anticipated to be adopted by the Council in early 2013, following the adoption of the Council’s Core Strategy document. Once adopted, the SPD will set out the design principles the Council will use in determining any planning applications for the New Neighbourhood and they will identify the infrastructure required to support the needs of the new communities living there.

Community Consultation Events

26th April 2016 at the Trust Hall, Stoke Gifford
27th April 2016 at St Elizabeth’s Hall, Hambrook
Consultation on two imminent planning applications from Crest Nicholson (covering the land to the north and south of the railway line). The northern application will be for the development of up to 350 new homes, a primary school, public open space, and landscaping and drainage infrastructure. The southern application is for outline permission for 1,290 homes, a new local centre, community uses and associated infrastructure. More info: Leaflet

13th April 2016 at the Old School Rooms, Stoke Gifford
Proposals for development of land off Old Gloucester Road. Closest postcode to development site is BS16 1RR. Event organised by Corylus Planning and Environmental. The Journal understands that a planning application for up to 200 homes could come forward for this site. More info: Poster

Developer Websites


Core Strategy: Examination in Public (July 2012)

Plans for the East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood were discussed at the Core Strategy’s ‘Examination in Public’ in July 2012. The independent inspector appointed by the Government to confirm the “soundness” of the Core Strategy is yet to provide his final report.

Documents submitted to the Examination in Public:

Phasing of Delivery

The Core Strategy foresees the following phasing for the East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood:

  • 2012/13 to 2016/17 (5 years): 155 dwellings
  • 2017/18 to 2021/22 (5 years): 1,250 dwellings
  • 2022/23 to 2026/27: 595 dwellings

East of Harry Stoke stories in the Journal

East of Harry Stoke in the wider media

Homes approved in Harry Stoke despite public transport concerns
30th November 2018 | Bristol Post
The lack of public transport serving a new neighbourhood east of Harry Stoke was again a major concern as plans for 327 homes were approved. The properties will be more than 500 metres from a MetroBus stop but councillors it is a mass transit system, not a local service – and there will be no contribution to fund public transport.

300 homes and a primary school to be built in Stoke Gifford
22nd November 2018 | Bristol Post
A new neighbourhood east of Harry Stoke is taking shape and now plans for 327 homes and a primary school have been recommended for approval. If approved, the development will be more than 22 hectares of steeply sloping agricultural land north of the railway line – but landscaping costs mean only one in five of the homes will be affordable.

Where 1,300 new homes will go on the edge of Bristol
8th October 2018 | Bristol Post
A development of up to 1,290 homes east of Harry Stoke has been given the go-ahead despite MetroBus making other bus services unviable.

1,300 homes planned for fringes of north Bristol
2nd October 2018 | Bristol Post
A 1,290-home development on farmland on the northern fringes of Bristol has been recommended for approval this week. Plans for the 65-hectare site east of Harry Stoke and south of the railway also include a primary school, a new local centre, a community hub and infrastructure improvements.

Plans for single house in Stoke Gifford to be demolished and replaced with 70 are approved
13th July 2018  Bristol Post
Seventy new homes are coming to Stoke Gifford, despite fears the added traffic could cause gridlock. One house will be destroyed to make way for the new development, which will comprise of two and three-bedroom properties, with 25 of them affordable.

Developer wants to build 1,600 new homes near Bristol’s Parkway Station
11th September 2016 | Bristol Post
Plans have been put forward for more than 1,600 new homes near Parkway station. Builder Crest Nicholson has submitted two planning applications for the East of Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood. Firstly, on farmland north of the railway line, 327 new homes are proposed, plus public open space, as well as a new school, nursery and playing fields. Detailed permission is sought for 150 homes here, comprising one and two-bedroom apartments and one, two, three and four-bedroom houses. Outline permission is on the cards for the remaining 177 homes, school and play area.

Residents voice anger at bid for 2,000 homes in north Bristol
23rd January 2013 | Bristol Post
People living on Bristol’s northern fringe have told planners:  “don’t build a 2,000-home estate on our doorstep”. But residents say they have been kept in the dark about the plans – and feel that too much new housing is being focussed in the north Bristol area.

Action group formed to fight green-belt housing development
21st January 2013 | Bristol Post
Householders in the Hambrook Lane area of Stoke Gifford have formed an action group to fight a proposed housing development on green belt land. A new “mixed development” called East of Harry Stoke is included in South Gloucestershire Council’s planning blueprint for the period up to 2027, to help it meet its housing targets.

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