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Harry Stoke

⚠ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

Note: Some sections of this page are in need of update and are in the process of being reviewed.

A new development of 1,200 homes on land at Harry Stoke was foreseen in South Gloucestershire Council’s Local Plan adopted in January 2006.

The Local Plan anticipated that 900 homes would be completed by 2011. In practice, no homes at all were built by this date, owing to planning delays and legal wrangles.

The site is included in the council’s Core Strategy, which covers the period up 2026.

The Core Strategy also introduced another proposed new neighbourhood, named East of Harry Stoke, where a further 2,000 homes are planned to be built.

Illustrative diagram

Framework diagram of the East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood.

Framework diagram of the East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood (click to enlarge). Legend:

  • Pink: East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood
  • Yellow: Harry Stoke new neighbourhood
  • Green hatched: Green infrastructure
  • Red/black line: Route of the proposed Stoke Gifford Transport Link (Stoke Gifford bypass)

Location of the Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood

The new neighbourhood is bordered by Harry Stoke Road to the west and the Avon Ring Road to the south.

View Harry Stoke in a larger map

New homes at Harry Stoke

Poppy Meadows (Crest Nicholson)

The first housing development to come on stream at Harry Stoke will be Poppy Meadows, a development of 3, 4 and 5 bedroom properties by Crest Nicholson:

This development of 3, 4 and 5 bedroom homes in Harry Stoke will be Crest Nicholson’s new flagship development in Bristol offering easy access to the motorway network, Bristol Parkway station and the city centre.

Highbrook Park (Crest Nicholson)

Launched spring 2013:

Crest Nicholson brings to the market Highbrook Park, Stoke Gifford, an impressive collection of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes, situated in a convenient location providing excellent access to both Bristol and Bath.

See also:

Brooklands Park (Crest Nicholson, Sovereign and Linden Homes)

Launched 2020.

Marketing name for development of 763 homes relating to planning application PT17/5810/RM (see below).

Developer webpages:


Community Facilities

Construction of the Brooklands Community Centre is expected to begin in July 2022, with an anticipated completion date of April 2023.

Harry Stoke in the news

Masterplan for hundreds of new homes approved
13th Oct 2011 | Bristol Evening Post
A masterplan for hundreds of new homes in Harry Stoke has been approved, four years after the project was first granted planning approval.

Land at Harry Stoke stories in the Journal


Planning applications (South Gloucestershire Council)

Received 18th December 2017; Approved 11th October 2019
Erection of 763 dwellings, community building, nursery and retail units with parking, landscaping and associated works.  (Approval of reserved matters to be read in conjunction with outline planning permission PT06/1001/O).

Received 18th December 2017
Erection of primary school with parking, landscaping and associated works. (Approval of reserved matters to be read in conjunction with outline planning permission PT06/1001/O).

Received 18th December 2017
Erection of 263 dwellings and associated public open space and infrastructure on 9.63 ha of the overall 39.57 ha within the outline consent. Discharging of various conditions attached to outline planning permission PT06/1001/O.
Note: A revised set of plans relating to this application was submitted in May 2023.

Received 13th April 2012; Approved 28th September 2012
Erection of 166 dwellings (Use Class C3), with parking, landscaping and associated works. (Approval of reserved matters to be read in conjunction with outline planning permission PT06/1001/O).

Received 29th Mar 2006; Approved 19th December 2007
Residential development on 39.57 hectares of land (Outline) with infrastructure, public open space and ancillary facilities. Means of access to be determined, all other matters reserved.

Key documents:


Residents’ groups

Harry Stoke Development Action Group (also on Facebook)

Miscellaneous news

From the minutes of a meeting of Stoke Gifford Parish Council on 6th September 2011:

“We are currently liaising with Crest Nicholson regarding the street naming for the new Harry Stoke Development. Crest Nicholson are extremely community focussed and are working closely with the Parish Council regarding the new development. It is anticipated that marketing publicity will be arranged for the beginning of December when Poppy Meadows will be official launched. It has been suggested that Crest liaise with the Royal British Legion regarding the Launch.”

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