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Land East of Coldharbour Lane

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Land East of Coldharbour Lane in Stoke Gifford, Bristol - the site of a proposed 550 dwelling housing development.

Planning Applications

Planning application PT15/1179/O

Received: 24th March 2015

Approved by committee (with conditions): 7th July 2015

Decision issued: 29th July 2015

Hybrid planning application on 13.3 hectares of land seeking outline permission for the erection of up to 694no. dwellings with associated infrastructure including full permission for phase 1 of development consisting of the erection of 284no. dwellings (of the 694no. total), a 120m2 Nursery (Use Class D1) and 261no. Extra Care units (of the 694no. total) with communal areas (2217m2 mixed use); along with site access/spine road, car parking, open space, landscaping and drainage infrastructure and including outline proposal for the remainder of the site comprising up to 149 dwellings with associated infrastructure, with means of access to be considered and all other matters reserved for future consideration.

Planning Application PT14/1260/O

Received: 1st April 2014

Approved by committee (with conditions): 4th December 2014

Decision issued: 17th July 2015

Development on 14.8 hectares of land seeking outline permission for the erection of up to 550 no. dwellings with associated infrastructure to include full permission for Phase I of development, consisting of the erection of 279 no. dwellings (of the 550 no. total), 250m2 of Retail and/or Community Meeting Space (mixed Class A1 Retail / Class D2 Assembly and Leisure), site access/spine road, car parking, open space, landscaping and drainage infrastructure.

New Homes

Scholars Chase (Taylor Wimpey)

Scholar’s Chase, a collection of new 1 and 2 bedroom apartments and 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom homes in Filton, Bristol.

Read more: Scholars Chase (Taylor Wimpey)

News about this Development

Approved Coldharbour Lane development includes 261 ‘Extra Care’ homes for older residents
8th July 2015 | South Gloucestershire Council
Members have approved an innovative new housing development that integrates 261 ‘Extra Care’ apartments specifically designed for older residents who will benefit from on-site support services enabling them to maintain independent living.

Planning approval for 550-home development off Coldharbour Lane
14th December 2014 | Stoke Gifford Journal
Plans for a 550-home development to the east of Coldharbour Lane in Stoke Gifford have been given the go-ahead by members of South Gloucestershire Council’s Development Control (West) Committee.

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