Promotional image with the headline 'Hope is born'.

Christmas message from LSBC: Hope is born

This year there is less concern about getting the Christmas lights on than about being able to keep any lights on, writes Rev. Tania Vaughan of Little Stoke Baptist Church (LSBC). What Christians around the world celebrate is the birth of a new hope which brings about new life through transformation. Our Christmas events start with a carol service on Tuesday (13th December).

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Update on ‘Little Stoke Growing Community’

The plan for a community garden has not been forgotten, but to be entrusted with a piece of land large enough for one we first had to show we could gather volunteers and organise small projects, writes Rev. Tania Vaughan. So Little Stoke Baptist Church sourced, emptied and refilled two large planters and placed one at the church and another at the entrance to Little Stoke Park.

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