N.B. This sub-page shows archived events. To view upcoming events, visit the top page.
Stoke Gifford Fête
The information on this page relates to an earlier year. Details of the 2023 fête can be found here.
Bank Holiday Friday 3rd June 2022
Note: This is the Friday of the extended Spring Bank Holiday and Platinum Jubilee weekend.
From 2pm to 5pm at the Trust Grounds North Road, Stoke Gifford BS34 8PE.
- Swing boats
- Teas and cake
- Donkeys
- Barbecue
- Brass band
- Games
- Bouncy castles
- Art and crafts
- Coconut shy
- Stalls
- …and lots more
Also includes a Fun Dog Show (1pm to 4pm) in association with Bristol Dog Action Welfare Group (DAWG).
Judging starts at 1pm prompt!
Enter your dog for £1.50! Pay as you enter the ring – cash only.
Rosettes to 6th place plus cups and special rosettes.
Any further information: Gerry 0117 969 5332 or 07795 194223
Find the Trust Grounds: Venue location map
Website: Stoke Gifford Trust
Read more: Village Fête returns after two-year break
Garden open for charity
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd May 2022
Garden in Harry Stoke open for charity, as part of the National Garden Scheme.
The Yews
Harry Stoke Road
Stoke Gifford
BS34 8QH
Location map (Google Maps)
Entrance: Adults £5; children free
More details: Event page on the National Garden Scheme website
Read more on page 19 of the May issue of the Stoke Gifford Journal magazine.
Easter trail in Little Stoke

Get on the trail and find five different clue posters which will be displayed around Little Stoke in the week leading up to Easter!
All the posters tell a part of the Easter story. Some of the posters will have a QR code that can be scanned with a smartphone, leading to a video clue or a puzzle to help you solve the clue and find the hidden letter. The hidden letters make up a password to access a bonus video.
The trail is aimed at families with children aged 5 to 11, but the adults can play too!
The trail ends with a community fun day on Saturday 16th April at Little Stoke Baptist Church, Kingsway. There will be games and craft, stalls, cake and refreshments. Everyone who tells us the password from the trail will also receive a chocolate egg.
To keep up to date about this event, and for clues to help you find the posters, be sure to ‘like’ the Little Stoke Baptist Church page on Facebook.
UPDATE: Interactive map of the poster locations
Christmas at St Michael’s
Christmas 2021 events organised by St Michael’s Church, Stoke Gifford:
- Saturday 11th December, 6.15pm: Carols on the Green
- Sunday 12th December, 10.30am: All-age Nativity at the St Michael’s Centre
- Wednesday 15th December, 7pm: Christmas Concert at Stoke Gifford Retirement Village
- Sunday 19th December, 4pm (and repeated at 6.30pm): Carol Service in St Michael’s Church
- Christmas Eve, 3pm: Christingle Service in the St Michael’s Centre
- Christmas Eve, 11.15pm: Midnight Communion in St Michael’s Church
- Christmas Day, 10am: Family Worship in the St Michael’s Centre
Details: https://www.stmichaelsbristol.org/christmas2021/